Esta herramienta no viene por defecto en kali por lo que la tendremos que instalar:
sudo apt-get install bettercap
Si ahora nosotros pusieramos bettercap entraremos dentro del entorno de linea de comandos de la propia herramienta:
Si ponemos help nos sacara la info de los modulos que hay:
Si por ejemplo queremos ver informacion de un modulo, podremos hacerlo poniendo:
help <MODULE>
help arp.spoof
arp.spoof (not running): Keep spoofing selected hosts on the network.
arp.spoof on : Start ARP spoofer.
arp.ban on : Start ARP spoofer in ban mode, meaning the target(s) connectivity will not work.
arp.spoof off : Stop ARP spoofer.
arp.ban off : Stop ARP spoofer.
arp.spoof.fullduplex : If true, both the targets and the gateway will be attacked, otherwise only the target (if the router has ARP spoofing protections in place this will make the attack fail). (default=false)
arp.spoof.internal : If true, local connections among computers of the network will be spoofed, otherwise only connections going to and coming from the external network. (default=false)
arp.spoof.skip_restore : If set to true, targets arp cache won't be restored when spoofing is stopped. (default=false)
arp.spoof.targets : Comma separated list of IP addresses, MAC addresses or aliases to spoof, also supports nmap style IP ranges. (default=<entire subnet>)
arp.spoof.whitelist : Comma separated list of IP addresses, MAC addresses or aliases to skip while spoofing. (default=)
Podremos ver la informacion del modulo en cuestion.